Tips For Avoiding Weight Gain At Work

Sitting in your office all day long with no much opportunity of making sweat-shedding physical movement is one sure way of gaining unwanted weight. Especially if your workstation is a cramped up cubicle where you cannot even stretch your legs you would most probably be buying a larger mirror in some few months. This is what office environment does to people. But don’t give up yet. Controlling your health is entirely in your hands regardless of what environment you find yourself in. The idea is to know what causes weight gain, and how to control it.

Less mobility is one big factor here. If you do not move you do not sweat. If you do not sweat you do not burn calories. And simple logic would tell us that everything that comes in would need an exit as well. So, make an effort at burning some calories at work. If you are in a habit of eating lunch at your workstation, why don’t you rather take a walk to a restaurant or food joints during your lunch break? That will give you 10 minutes of exercise; and little exercise is better than no exercise. You can also do some other little things that will add up in the end, for instance go, get the files from the next room yourself rather than sending the secretary. Yes, you cannot call it an exercise but you at least get to stretch and refresh your mind, keeping your mind fresh helps. You can also consider taking the stairs instead of the lift.

Office life plays havoc on your eating habit. And losing control of your eating habit is another route to weight gain. Your office environment will push you to overeating without you knowing it. How can we ignore staff parties and group take-out orders? Such fun! Yes, they are fun, but must we simply forget our health? If you are concerned about your health you need to have a check on your appetite. Consider making a time-table in your head. Eating at right intervals is important. It is advisable to eat three to four square meals a day. Do not skip breakfast. If you skip breakfast you are bound to be hungry at a wrong time and place and you would end up eating extra at a wrong food joint with a wrong dish. This will affect the following meals of the day, and your time-table is bound to go haywire.

It is important to know what to eat and what to avoid. Get the help of your doctor or a nutritionist in charting your diet programme. Do not forget to drink enough water. This will help in checking weight gain. Do not allow your body to dehydrate. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger. You would sometimes end up eating when what your body actually needed was water.

It is also very important to avoid unhealthy habits, especially those that cause weight gain. Smoking, drinking and taking illegal drugs triggers artificial hunger signal to your brain and you end up eating more than your body can take. Controlling your appetite and following healthy eating habit becomes impossible. Studies show that 45% of smokers eat within ten minutes after smoking. The same applies to both drinking alcohol and taking illegal drugs. Do stay away from these for the love of your health.

Above all the most important tool in checking your health is yourself. Do away with laziness and make a conscious effort in keeping fit and healthy.

Author Bio: Dan Clay is a Sydney weight loss expert and owner of Dangerously Fit personal training. If you would like to attend a session with a Boot Camp Sydney or to join Bootcamps in Sydney, visit Personal Trainers Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Boot Camp Sydney, Bootcamps in Sydney, Personal Trainers Sydney

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