Treating Varicose Veins With Ultrasound-Guided Sclerotherapy

Varicose veins present as bulged blood vessels beneath the surface of your skin. They are unsightly and often painful. The condition is progressive; if the varicosities are not treated, they will worsen, and the side effects will steadily become more pronounced. Your legs will feel heavy, and you’ll likely experience localized cramps and persistent fatigue.

The primary cause of varicose veins is high blood pressure, though there are many risk factors that contribute to their development. These risk factors include smoking, obesity, and lack of mobility. In the past, treatment was limited to surgery. The vein was stripped from the site, which caused significant postoperative pain. More advanced techniques have since been developed to resolve the varicosities with minimal discomfort. One of these techniques is called ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy (UGS).

In this article, we’ll describe the procedure and explain how it is performed. We’ll also take a look at factors that make a good candidate as well as possible complications that can occur.

Ultrasound-Guided Sclerotherapy Explained

Visual sclerotherapy has been available for years. It involves the injection of a special material that causes the diseased vein to shrink. Eventually, the blood vessel disappears. This approach has traditionally been used on smaller superficial veins since visualization of the blood vessels was less than perfect.

Today, with the use of ultrasound technology, the procedure can be done on larger veins. This is a significant benefit for patients because it can often be used to resolve secondary networks of spider veins. This reduces the time required for treatment. It also lowers the total cost.

Are You A Suitable Candidate For The Procedure?

Technically, ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy can be performed on all patients, unless it is contraindicated. Besides cost, the determining factor is whether the patient is willing to tolerate the visual presentation of the injected material.

For the first week, the diseased blood vessels will appear much darker than normal. Their appearance can be startling to patients who are unprepared for the display. The presentation of the injected material grows less pronounced with each passing day, and typically vanishes within a week. The varicosities will normally vanish within two months.

Ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy does not deliver an immediate resolution, as might surgery. But it is highly effective.

How Ultrasound-Guided Sclerotherapy Is Performed

During UGS, a doctor will identify the diseased blood vessels on a monitor that displays ultrasound images. This is in contrast to traditional sclerotherapy, where the doctor would perform the work by sight alone. Ultrasound allows him to identify tiny veins that would otherwise be missed because they are buried under the skin. Thus, it is more accurate.

Ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy usually takes between ten minutes and two hours to complete. A single diseased blood vessel takes much less time to address than a network. Once the varicose veins have been identified, the doctor will inject the liquid material into them, causing them to shrink.

The procedure is noninvasive, and can be completed without the use of localized or general anesthesia. Once the diseased veins have received the liquid material, you’ll need to wear compression leggings for two or three days.

Potential Complications And Cost Considerations

Some patients experience a condition called telangectatic matting. This is where new varicosities and spider veins appear. It may be due to the blood vessels clumping immediately following the procedure.

Another complication involves tissue death. This can happen if collapsing the diseased veins results in a lack of sufficient blood flow to the local tissue. Though it seldom occurs, it is a possibility.

While some patients only need a single treatment, most require up to six treatments depending on the extent of their varicosities. The sessions are usually spread out with at least one month separating them, and each can cost up to $400.

Varicose veins can be extremely painful and unattractive. If you’re willing to take a long-term approach to eliminating them, ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy may represent a suitable solution.

Author Bio: Find the right doctor for Varicose Veins. Early diagnosis can lead to successful results. For other information check out

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: varicose veins, treating varicose veins, ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy, varicose vein

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