Treatment of Hemorrhoids – How to Treat Hemorrhoids in Children

Although hemorrhoids are commoner amongst older age groups they can also occur in children. They occur more in male children than in female children.

Hemorrhoids in children are most times not severe and the symptoms can be managed by good home based treatments. Luckily, hemorrhoids with children usually go off with time and serious medical treatment is not usually needed. { Click the links in the last paragraph below to discover the best home based treatment for hemorrhoid in children}

What are causes hemorrhoids in children?

Most time hemorrhoids in children are hereditary, if at least one of the parents has hemorrhoids the child would surely get it, sooner or later. Pregnant women are very susceptible to hemorrhoids and if they develop the condition, it can be transferred to the child. A child could develop them from constipation because of poor eating and toileting habits. The medication applied to adults is in most cases ineffective with children. (Click the links in the last paragraph below to discover a highly effective mode of treating hemorrhoids in children)

What are the treatment options for children with hemorrhoids?

Natural remedies are preferred with children because they are safe and they can give perfect results. Surgery is usually not an option because of the likely adverse reactions and the immense stress it could subject the child’s mind to. These following natural methods will help in the treatment of hemorrhoid in children:

– Children should take plenty of raw vegetables and fruit in their diet. Taking more fiber foods will improve the intestines functioning to their best. A child’s everyday diet should include cereals, fresh juices, milk and lots of fruits. { Click the links in the last paragraph below to learn more about the best hemorrhoid diet }

– Children should be encouraged to drink as much liquids as possible – water, tea, milk. Fizzy drinks like soft drinks should be discouraged as they do not contain any natural vitamins that can enhance the child’s immunity. These drinks only overload a child’s fragile organism with too much preservatives and chemical additives.

– Physical activity should be encouraged in children with hemorrhoids. Active movement helps improving blood circulation, tones the muscles up and boosts immunity. Soccer is good sport to be encouraged amongst them, also baseball, volley ball and basket ball are also recommended. The more intensive the sports activity, the more beneficial the effect on hemorrhoids cure and prevention is. Biking should be vigorously discouraged as it causes pressure build up in the bottom area of the body. (Click the links in the last paragraph to know the best exercises to cure hemorrhoids)

How to deal with bleeding episodes in children with hemorrhoids

Perfect personal hygiene is a must. The rectal area must be kept perfectly clean, it should be washed after every bowel movement and dried with a soft cotton towel. You can apply Vaseline on the affected area to alleviate the symptoms. If a child has had constipation for more than a week and has bleeding episodes from the rectum, perhaps he has hemorrhoids. If the symptoms are painful you can use topical analgesics to temporary stop the pain. Take the child to the doctor for an examination.

Author Bio: You Nor Your Child Need To Suffer Pain And Discomfort From Hemorrhoids, Click Here To Get The Best, Most Effective And Inexpensive Natural Hemorrhoid Therapy That Will Cure Hemorrhoids In 48 hrs. Also Get Your Free Mini Course On Hemorrhoids.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: hemorrhoid home treatment,hemorrhoid relief,hemroids,hemorrhoids,hemorrhoid cure, hemorrhoid symptom

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