Two Popular Gout Remedies That Bear Results

Those who are fighting against the gout may find it unbelievable but the truth is that gout is the most frequently recorded disease in the medical history. Gout is one type of arthritis and it is mostly known as the metabolic arthritis. The disease is caused by the continuous accumulation of the uric acid metabolism. The chronic and the progressive accumulation and deposit of the high uric acid crystals or the monosodium urate in the joints, tendons and the in surrounding tissues lead to the acute pain of the gout attack.

Gout attack is an extremely painful medical condition. A gout attack can last from 3 or 4 hours to a few days. The most prevalent conditions and the most common symptoms of the gout attack are the acute and unbearable pain, the sensitivity of the skin that surrounded the affected areas of joints. Sometimes there can be fissures resulting from the bursting out of the large growing uric acid crystals. While many a people also experience the white and chalky discharge from the affected gout areas where the uric acid crystal has become large in size. The surrounded skins are felt warm and red. Acute and unbearable pain is the most dangerous part of the gout. Sometimes the gout patients experience such excruciating pain that even a soft touching can cause them pin a lot. Sometimes putting a light blanket over the affected areas can cause huge pain to the patients. Sometimes, low degree fevers also accompany the attack of gout.

As soon as you doubt the fact that you can be a patient of the gout you need to visit a doctor soon. The doctor will diagnose and will prescribe the types of medication needed for your treatment. However, some home based gout remedies can also act well on the gout patients. These can help the patients in dealing with the gout problems. Charcoal, Cherries and the Charcoal bath are something that the gout patients can conveniently try for themselves with the privacy and convenience of their home.

Know About the Charcoal Solution

Charcoal is proved to be a phenomenon that can attract the toxins from the human body. Many a patient can be benefitted from the treatment of charcoal. The gout patients can wipe up the affected gout areas with the charcoal mix. The mix should be prepared with half a cup of charcoal powder with one tablespoon of flaxseed and water. The paste of the charcoal and the flaxseed mix can now be applied on the affected areas and this will certainly relieve the pain and will clear out some toxins from the affected areas.

Know About the Cherry Treatment

Cherry solution is said to be a good home based remedies for the gout patients. One thing should be noted here that there is no scientific proof behind the theory yet it is claimed by many a gout patients that taking cherries regularly in the food diet effectively reduce the problem of the gout attack.

These are the two popular home based gout remedies that can effectively help you in your gout problems. These are pretty simple to be practiced and bear effective results. So go on give it a shot, one has nothing to lose.

Author Bio: Vicky Watts is a health researcher and she only uses natural remedies for prevention from illnesses. For more information about how you can treat home remedies for gout, without steroids, prednisone or other doctor prescribed medications, check out her site natural remedies for gout.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: gout remedy

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