Vasectomy Reversal and the Anti-sperm Antibodies

Several factors could make a man become infertile. One of the most common reasons is the administration of prescribed drugs as treatment to specific chronic ailment. However, the main reason that a man becomes infertile is his ability to produce anti-sperm antibodies. This autoimmune sperm condition produces an allergic reaction where the body system becomes sensitive to sperm presence. The immune system starts to generate antibodies that treats and sees the sperm as a form of a threat. The antibodies then proceed to activate and mobilize so they can perform their sperm search and destroy function.

Anti-sperm antibodies function

The barrier located in the testicles usually protects the sperms. In this case, the immune cells could break through the barrier because of the anti-sperm antibodies. The antigen surface of the sperm makes it possible and easy for the antibodies to detect and locate the presence of the sperm in the body. The antibodies auto response would be to search and destroy the detected sperm. The auto immune system makes it possible for the antibodies to attach itself on the surface of the sperm cell. This damages the quality of the sperm, which makes the sperm less capable of performing and completing its function.

The extent of the damage depends on the sperm location and time when the antibodies attach themselves to the surface of the sperm. A good illustration would be the picture of the sperm with the antibodies clinging at the tail. This will make them immobile and tend to clump together. Another illustration is the picture of the antibodies clinging to the sperm’s head. This prohibits the sperm from penetrating the egg cell, which makes it impossible to fertilize the egg.

Causes of antibodies development

This condition, anti-sperm antibodies development, is common to about 10% of men complaining about their inability to have a child. There are two major causes of anti-sperm antibodies autoimmune reaction to sperm presence namely the woman’s cervical mucus condition and the man’s development of the anti-sperm antibody itself.

One major reason is the woman’s cervical mucus condition. The cervical mucus might develop some sensitivity to the male sperm that makes it impossible to trigger fertilization because the woman will instead trigger the autoimmune response that functions like the anti-sperm antibodies of the man. Although not all women possess this kind of cervical mucus, almost 40% of men and women longing to have a child were found to suffer this kind of problem.

Another factor is the uncommon testicular sack twist. This will injure the testicular sack, which makes it possible to generate the anti-sperm antibodies for men.

The common reason is simply contraction of infection that could destabilize the body’s immune system. This condition is common among males who had undergone the vasectomy reversal. Other surgical procedures could also cause this problem such as the cancer, congenital vas deferens absence, and the undescended testicles. The varicocele and the testicular biopsy procedures could trigger this condition too.

Statistics of men with antibodies issue

About 70% of men with past reversal of vasectomy procedures experienced this kind of problem a few months after the procedure. The primary test for this condition is the examination of the semen sample. However, the doctor will still request the partner to undergo a cervical test to clear out suspicion for potential cervical mucus issues.

Anti-sperm antibodies treatment

The anti-sperm antibodies condition for both male and female is not easy to treat. The treatment may require corticosteroids that may cause damage to health. Although this could temporarily help the couple restore their fertility, this does not support the condition for longer period. There is no known cure for anti-sperm antibodies. Doctors could only recommend prevention but not restoration of fertility.

The best to prevent this is to delay vasectomy decision. Make the decision when you are sure you are not going to desire having a child in the future. Although, vasectomy is a very effective form of contraception, this is also a permanent form of contraception. There is a great possibility that the reversal procedure may bring complications and more problems in the future. However, in case you change your mind about having a child, you should undergo the reversal as soon as possible. Time is significant factor to your possibility of restoring fertility.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a SEO Services consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a leading Vasectomy Reversal Articles blog.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Health, Medical, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Infertility

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