Warnings to Parents About Kids and Cell Phone Safety

What do you do to keep your kids safe in this cyber world? It starts with you, the parents.

You alone are the security wall that keeps your kids safe. If you don’t take the proper precautions and inform yourself of all the possibilities then your kids will be at risk. Do not allow anyone else, from their friends to the internet itself to watch over you kids. Be vigilant when it comes to cell phone safety and security. Responsibility will inevitably land on you, so do everything you can to protect your kids and yourself.

Radiation-To start, there are still questions regarding the link between cell phones and the electromagnetic radiation they emit.. If your child, tween or teen talks a lot on the phone (likely all of them) it might be a good idea to get them a headset, just to be careful.

Cyberbullying- It seems to be in the news a lot lately, for good reason. Cyberbullying is when kids use the Internet to harass, intimidate, embarrass, or demean others. This is true with cell phones too. Kids can use cell phones to send threatening text messages or make threatening phone calls, and cell phones make it easier to do these things without being detected by parents or teachers. Many cell phones are now equipped with cameras that can take still pictures and short videos, which can then be sent to other mobile phones or uploaded to the internet. If you fear your child is being cyberbullied, contact the police right away. They have the ability to link you to different organizations which can help, as well as instruct you on the laws regarding cyberbullying in your area.

Extra Fees- Most cell phone plans charge additional fees for accessing the web and text messaging, and kids can easily rack up high charges on cell phones by going over their plan minutes, downloading expensive ring tones, music and games, and sending too many text messages. Your child could also sign up for one of several services that will send him or her text messages, news alerts, photos and other content for a set fee per message. If you are worried about your child racking up big charges on his or her phone, you might want to consider getting a pre-paid cell phone. With pre-paid phones, you buy a certain number of minutes at the outset, and if you want more minutes, you have to pay for them up-front. This can help limit your child’s cell phone use and prevent surprise phone bills.

Web Safety – Many cell phones have wireless internet capabilities that allow kids to browse the web, instant message their friends, and download ringtones, wallpaper, videos, music, and games. Mobile phones present a challenge for the protective parent because they are often used outside of the home, away from parents’ watchful eyes. It is much more difficult to monitor the internet activities of your children on a mobile phone than on a home computer, and kids may be able to access adult web sites, videos, photos and text messages through their cell phones.

Stranger Danger- Cell phones can allow strangers to contact your child without you ever knowing about it. As with instant messaging and chat on your home computer, your child needs to understand they should never give out any personal information to people they don’t know, including their phone number, address, full name, or school.

Keep it Close- Losing a cell phone can be dangerous, because children sometimes store their personal contact information in them. Cell phones are also easy targets for theft, so make sure your child stores his or her cell phone in a safe place and doesn’t call attention to it in public. Also, your children should know to never let strangers borrow their phone, the stranger could steal it, access his/her info, or rack up tones of fees without anyone being the wiser.

Best Advice- Check you kids cell phone bill every month. You will get a greater understanding of what your child is doing with his or her cell phone including internet use and other services.

Author Bio: Visit http://www.tomharriscellular.ca for Telus Dealer, Telus Phones and Telus Phone Plans.

Category: Parenting
Keywords: smartphones,iphone,blackberry,mobile internet plans

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