Web Conferencing Company – 5 Things to Look For in a Provider

Given today’s available web technologies with many solutions being backed by the resources of some very well-funded companies, many web conferencing solutions today deliver on the promise of high-quality, at-a-distance communication via voice, video, and application sharing.

You, your organization, or your family can leverage web conferencing to overcome geographical distance in order to better communicate with others, conduct business, and express your ideas.

And, Internet conferencing has moved way beyond simple person-to-person communication. Now, these technologies can be leveraged to perform online work collaboration, conduct IT support, hold training sessions, and give sales presentations with a virtual whiteboard. The possibilities are limitless.

If you are in charge of evaluating and selecting a web conferencing company to support the needs of your organization or your family, here are 5 things you should be looking for in a provider:

1. How long have they been around?
Experience is important here. While there are new and excellent conferencing technologies sprouting up all of the time here and there, it is safest to go with a solution that leverages technology that has been in use for at least 5-10 years. The more instances of a given technology having been successfully installed and used, the more chances for bugs to be worked out of the system.

2. How easy is it to get a hold of a real person?
Contact your shortlist of candidate providers and find out just how easy it is to get a hold of a real-live person. Whether it be sales or support, you are going to want to know that your organization can work with them effectively once you subscribe to or license their product.

3. What do they position themselves as being best at?
As indicated above, there are a dozen or more ways to leverage web conference solutions for the purposes of effective at-a-distance communication. Each solution is optimized for a slightly different type of use-case. In other words, some are designed for online training, others for IT support, and still others for simple meetings. While there is a large degree of crossover, you should choose a system that is in alignment with your planned mode of use.

4. Do their products do the things you need in a web conferencing system?
Along with how each system is optimized, there is the challenge of figuring out which features you will need. For example, even if you are comparing 2-3 systems that specialize in e-learning, you may notice marked differences in each system’s feature set. Pay close attention here and evaluate the features you need most.

5. Does their pricing seem to match the value they offer?
Finally, take a long and hard look at their pricing. There is a range of pricing models, sometimes even within a single provider’s products. Some are subscription based, some are licensed annually, and some can even be purchased outright. As you evaluate the pricing, make a careful list of the features, customer service, and strength of brand of each system you are considering. Ask yourself whether the pricing, no matter how high or low, is justified by the features offered.

Take these 5 things into account when looking for a good web conferencing provider.

Author Bio: Compare web conferencing providers and find more useful tips at: Compare Web Conferencing Solutions.

Category: Internet
Keywords: Web Conferencing Company,5 Things to Look for in a Provider

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