Why Geothermal Energy is so Beneficial

As organic based fuels become more scarce, scientists are pushing for the research and development of green alternative fuel. A plethora of potential energy sources have been suggested: wind, solar, water, and nuclear to name a few. Although they are natural, not all are available globally 24/7. There is another option, one that is perpetual and found right under our feet: geothermal energy.

The effects of coal and petroleum have left a sour taste in humanities mouth, which now seeks to find energy that is cheap, renewable, and ecologically friendly. Despite using the sun, wind, water, and nuclear energy for electricity, there is still one natural resource that has yet to be harnessed. One that is cheap, abundant, and effective: geothermal energy.

In order to fully understand why geothermal energy is so important, here is a broken down explanation.

What Exactly Is Geothermal Energy?

Geothermal energy (literally heat from the earth in Greek), is a phenomena caused by the constant decay of minerals in the earth, absorption of the sun’s rays, and the radiating heat from the Earth’s core, with a temperature of about 9,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Because of this, it is perpetual and is found almost everywhere in the world.

How Does it Work?

In order to produce electricity, the real energy source used in homes and offices, turbines need to be spun at power plants which charge a generator. Water and wind directly charge the generator while sun and nuclear energy indirectly turn them through steam. With geothermal energy, heat taken from rocks and hot springs radiates through turbines with steam. Normally, most geothermal plants harness energy through heated water. However, new technology is being produced that can harness thermal energy directly from magma and with water, can flash produce steam to spin turbines.


According to the United States’ University of Florida, Hawaii, the island state west of California, has one geothermal plant which produces about 25 megawatts of energy for about 5 cents per watt. In total; one geothermal plant accounts for about 1/4 of the entire states electricity. One geothermal plant accounts for the same energy as roughly three nuclear plants. This is because geothermal energy is run 24/7 unlike nuclear plants which spend time switching fuel rods and shutting off the core each night.


Wherever there is earth, there is geothermal energy. However, land near tectonic plates, where volcanos, earthquakes, and geysers are found, are the easiest places to extract heat. The only thing this means is thermal plants not in these areas must dig deeper to access more heat.

Environmental Effects?

The only waste produced is going to be heat; not so bad! Also, geothermal energy plants are smaller than most, reducing visual pollution and preventing sights like “wind vane forests”.

So there you have it. Geothermal Energy offers promising gains for humanity. With the efficiency of nuclear power without the waste or visual pollution, it offers the best gains of any of the alternative fuels.

Author Bio: Find out more information about Geothermal Energy

Category: Advice
Keywords: geothermal, energy, power, heating, renewable

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