Why Will My Bottom Teeth Not Go White?

When we age we typically see the bottom teeth go darker in colour than the top teeth and this is normally down to saliva containing coloration components getting deep in the enamel and causing staining but can they be whiter?

The top teeth are protected with a slightly thicker enamel and that is why the top teeth are harder to damage and get chipped opposed to their weaker cousin in the lower row.

When we drink tea, coffee, red wine and much more the colorants will be released with the saliva and over a long period of time will darken the teeth and change their appearance. Smokers will also notice this is more prevalent as the nicotine is drawn in to the bottom more than the top.

Now if you enter the world of teeth whitening with the view of doing as little as possible and getting the quickest results and you have very dark coloured bottom teeth then you might need to alter your expectations slightly as most people will find it takes a little while to re-whiten them.

Teeth whitening will remove much of the staining particularly if you use a strong service like zoom or power whitening but even then there is only so much that can be done in just one treatment. The staining will lies deep in the enamel will need a few attempts at removing.

Another option is to consider the bleaching trays which over time soak the teeth in a peroxide based gel which bleaches the teeth back to a white colour and this could be another option.

The biggest challenge people face with the bleaching trays is actually sleeping with them in your mouth for around ten to fourteen nights and it typically will affect the sleep in some way. Another challenge is to keep away from any staining components like tea, coffee, cola, curries, pizza etc for the time the teeth are being whitened otherwise the staining you remove during the night will be re-stained during the day time!

Whilst whitening the stubborn staining on the bottom teeth there is a likelihood the teeth will get sensitivity and this can be quite painful. The nerve ending within the tooth get aggravated during teeth whitening and this tends to be on the less protected thinner enamel bottom teeth.

Any feeling of sensitivity will go away in a few days as the gel that lies within the enamel disburses and the pores of the enamel closes to their normal state.

A brighter smile is well worth working for and once you have got the teeth to the whiteness you desire then it remains an ongoing battle to keep them that white as our every day lifestyles are going to ensure the teeth will re stain at some point in the future and that will be a shame.

Keep a good overall dental hygiene and ensure you see you dentist regularly and brush and floss as normal to keep the teeth looking white,bright and healthy.

Author Bio: Looking for more information on Teeth whitening system or learn more about Teeth whitening vouchers

Category: Medical Business
Keywords: teeth whitening,laser teeth whitening,laser whitening,teeth whitening needs,teeth looking

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