Will Chinese Herbal Treatment Rid You Of Acne?

Acne is the most common skin disease for ages. However till recent times there was no proper treatment and it proved to be a cause of embarrassment. You got options galore today and it only makes your task all the more difficult. Apart from several home remedies that have been popular for years there are medical treatments like the western treatment and Chinese herbal treatment. Explore all Options and get what you need.

Are you a teenager constantly plagued by bouts of acne? In all probability you do know that acne attacks are very commonplace but does this knowledge help? Let’s focus on acne and why it occurs. Acne is a very common skin ailment- a disorder of the oil glands of your skin. The usual reasons of acne are oily hair and skin, hormonal imbalance and chemical containing cosmetics. Now what about the kinds of acne treatment?

There are many types of acne treatment gaining popularity but it is not necessary all treatments will work for you. To understand the treatment best suited for you what you need is a thorough knowledge of the type of acne you are suffering from. There are different types of acne like acne vulgaris, acne rosacea and perioral dermatitis- each demanding different treatments. So the first thing you need to do if you are suffering from acne is fix an appointment with your dermatologist.

However the most popular acne treatment is the western type of treatment. In this treatment dermatologist may prescribe you certain oral antibiotics or ask you to apply some tropical antibiotic ointments on the affected area. The medicines usually contain sulfur, resorcinol, benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid – very effective in healing mild acne.
Are you wondering how these drugs work? They act as peeling agents causing drying and irritation. The drying allows the body to loosen the plugs and shed the dead cells. The drugs also keep bacteria formation at bay. The western treatment at times also uses drug therapies to tackle acne.

Another type of acne treatment used to contain acne outbreaks is the Chinese herbal treatment. How exactly does this work? The Chinese medical theory believes t heat is always involved with acne in some form or the other- it may be heat in the blood or damp heat in the intestine. It also holds emotions as a major cause of acne. What the Chinese physicians generally do is use the right kind of herbal ingredients in the right quantity to release the heat in the body and cool it. The process will continue till your body regains the right balance. However if you opt for the Chinese therapy keep in mind you need will need to find a good and experienced physician.

If any of these acne treatment don’t appeal to you or you want to try out home remedies you have to remind yourself these remedies work only if the acne bout is mild. So how exactly will you take care of your blemishes at home? There are a few simple tips you need to follow. You have to keep the skin of your face as dry and clean as possible, wash your face twice with anti bacterial soap and avoid picking the boils.

Author Bio: For more information about acne treatment, visit www.10acne.com now.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: acne treatment

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