Working Moms: Coping With Life as a Working Mother!

The truth is that every mother is a working mom. She works around the house, does chores all day long, cooks, and cleans, picks up the kids from school. But, for mothers who tend to work outside their homes, balancing their careers with family life, brings far too many challenges and concerns on an every day basis. The foundation of staying sensible while at work and at home is to have stress relief skills and support from your partner and family. To top it all off, here are some suggestions to have a balanced home and work life.

The first step is to find a family friendly work place. Though sometimes you do get stuck with a job that requires long hours, and its tough to manage all the deadlines. But you might end up with some better option if you can play the working mom card. You may want to start your own business, or want to continue to work as an employee after pregnancy its entirely up to you. But it is advisable to choose the latter option. If you are out of a job currently and need to support your family, look for option to find decent work.

Get specific training or experiences that will improve your skill when you find a job. Do look for a job that also offers child care. Lets face it you have a toddler and you dont want him or her running around the house. Try to find a good family friendly job that is close to home, and requires minimum travel. Working from home is also a popular option these days. Or you can negotiate with your boss to work a certain number of days at work per week only. The rest of the week you can send work from home.

Secondly, when you have found the right job, you have to deal with a bit of office politics. Most coworkers will ask themselves why she is getting special treatment. There is no need to act or pretend that you are childless, but you may also want to take a few steps to stay off the radar screens. For example, new moms who are working may want to schedule a doctors appointment after work or if possible they can do it on their lunch hour. Do not use your work time making frequent calls at home checking up on the kids, you know you got someone close taking care of them. Also do not use work time telling stories about the kids. Catch up on work to get an early leave on a day of work. In case, you are unable to attend a meeting, or travel for work related business on a particular time, do let your manager know beforehand so they can make proper arrangements.

Thirdly, work doesnt have to collide with your home life. Its normal to get a call from work every now and then. But its another thing that you are getting calls from work even on your days off or after hours. You already have time management hassles to take care of. You have to give enough time to both work and home. Imagine what will happen if you get consumed by work and the family is feeling a bit neglected. You will need to create a firm boundary between work and home.

Author Bio: Mom Gadget is your one stop click for keeping up on the latest trends. Impress your lady friends in the gossip circle and stay up to date with the latest in mom gadgets and goodies. We even offer a FREE eBook providing information on eco-friendly living.

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: moms helping moms, mom to mom, reviews

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