Your Body, Your Mediterranean Diet Plan

To be honest, we aren’t all that fond of regimented eating plans. Mainly because they’re, well, regimented. This tends to lead to the unfortunate mindset that if you deviate from the plan a little, then you’ve abandoned it altogether, a thought pattern we hope you never develop. But we also realize that a clear plan can be a valuable learning tool, and that’s why I call it our Mediterranean Diet Plan. By following detailed guidelines, you’ll quickly begin to better comprehend the underlying principles that inspired them. More importantly, you’ll be able to accurately judge how your body responds to a very specific manner of eating. That way, you can make an objective assessment of how well an eating plan works for you. Got that? Not how well it works for your buddy, your wife, or 20 people who took part in a scientific study. But how well it works for you. And isn’t that the whole point?

All of which is why we’ve created the 5 diets that follow this article and we’ve set some ground rules for each, to help you decide which one to adopt, and to ensure that you have the greatest success possible. The Mediterranean diet plan is a weight loss website, the idea is that you’ll choose your diet plan based not only on your body composition goals, faster fat loss! more muscle!. but also on how much fat you have to lose.

However, we want everyone to start out by following the guidelines of our Mediterranean diet plan for the first 4 Weeks. The reason: To experience all the benefits from the other plans we offer, your body must first learn to use fat as its primary source of energy. Think of this as lighting the diet plan fuse. Typically, your body will adapt almost completely within a week or two, and the rest of the changes will occur within another 2 weeks. So for the first 4 weeks, you’ll follow Mediterranean diet plan 1, regardless of your goals. After that, you can stay on Plan 1, or switch to any of the other 4 plans you want based on your goals. But no matter what, you’ll start to see the fat-blasting benefits of the Mediterranean diet plan right from the start.


Fair warning: The first week or two on the First Plan may be a little difficult. Your body has to adapt to burning fat as its main energy source. For most people, this is a major change because they’re accustomed, some would even say addicted.. to using carbohydrates to fuel their body.

You may be irritable, cranky, and even tired for a few days. But as you grow accustomed to this new diet, you’ll return to your lovable self quickly. Within a cupple of weeks, guys following diet 1 almost always report having higher and more consistent energy levels than they did before they started the program. In fact, many Mediterranean diet plan veterans claim that they need less sleep when eating this way. If the change from your normal diet is a particularly drastic one, you may also experience a bit of gastrointestinal distress, such as diarrhea. However, within a few days, we can assure you that your plumbing will be working normally again. And as long as you stick to the guidelines of diet 1, any cravings for carbs will soon disappear as well. You’ll actually be more in tune with your body’s true hunger signals, as opposed to being a slave to the cravings that are triggered by the typical high-carb “sugar rush,” followed by the inevitable “sugar crash.” On Plan 1, you’ll be immune to these highs and lows while you’re humming along in your new fat-burning mode.

It’s important to remember that diet 1 is absolutely a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet. We emphasize this point because a common mistake people make during diet 1 is that they try to limit both carbs and fat. This often makes the diet unpleasant and hard to follow. It also makes it difficult for you to consume enough calories to properly fuel your body. The bottom line: Don’t be afraid of fat! Ideally, you’ll be eating anywhere from 60 to 70 percent of your calories from fat. Of course, you won’t need to calculate this out, but it’s a pretty good bet that if you are not enjoying the diet, you aren’t eating enough fat. Again, our research shows that eating a low-carb, high-fat diet actual reduces your risk for heart disease, despite what you’ve been told, so have a little faith.

Author Bio: Welcome, David Lloyd writes about personal development and weight loss related topics. Quick-Weight-Loss-Diets provide Top Diet programs to learn the easy ways to lose weight and keep the weight off. Click on the link Now to see the LATEST and the BEST in weight loss products. ==> Quick-Weight-Loss-Diets

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: mediterranean diet plan,diet plans,diet plan,mediterranean diet,mediterranean plan,weight loss,

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