Your Inner Stud

There is an exercise I came across a few years ago that involves visualization as a tool to become the man or woman you dream of becoming.

I call it “Your Inner Stud.” Now before you laugh too hard about this, remember that you can tailor this name to anything you want, but what it reflects is the person inside you that you are dying to let out.

So for instance, it could be “Your Inner Don Juan” or “Your Inner Adonis” or “Your Inner Rico Suave” or “Your Inner Rock Star.” Pick a name that embodies the personality or person you are striving toward becoming, whatever or whoever that might be. What you decide to name it doesn’t matter. It is what you do with it, which does.

Then, here is what I want you to do. Create a portrait, much like a magazine profile of this “inner” you. I want you to write about what this guy does every day from the minute he gets up until he goes to bed. I want you to write about what he eats, what he wears, what activities he engages in and where he goes.

I want you to describe how he spends his money, what his apartment or house is like and how he spends his leisure time.

So let me give you an example. My Inner Stud is James:

“James wakes up in the morning and does 20 pushups before he heads to his clean and tidy kitchen. (He makes a point every night to make sure his house is clean before he retires so that he wakes up to a calm and sparkling home.)

In his small, uncluttered kitchen, he uses stainless steel pots he carefully saved up for, to heat up a small amount of whole milk. In his Krupp’s espresso maker, he brews a strong cup of fair trade coffee beans.

He reads the New York Times while he drinks his coffee and eats his whole grain toast and some fruit. He wants to be sure he is up on current events so he can contribute intelligently to any conversation.

After he showers and shaves, he looks into his closet full of a few simple, but beautiful cut suits. He chooses one and makes sure his shoes are freshly polished before he heads out the door. At night, he never throws his clothes on the floor, but hangs them neatly and keeps them dry cleaned frequently.

He could take the bus to work, but prefers to walk to keep his build trim and fit.

He does go to the gym a few nights a week, on the nights when he isn’t in his Chinese class or playing volleyball with friends. He also makes sure to spend time with his friends at good restaurants at least once a week and often hosts dinner parties where he can practice his cooking skills.

As he walks to work, he mentally makes a list of who he is going to invite this week …”

OK, so this example only deals with My Inner Stud’s morning routine, but you get the idea. You paint a picture of how you want your life to be and then you read it every morning and every night. This will help you become this person you write about; it will help you become your Inner Stud.

Author Bio: Bill has been teaching men How to Get a Girlfriend for the last 5 years in NYC and is a pick up artist who can help you learn to do the same. The original article can be found here: Your Inner Stud.

Category: Advice
Keywords: dating, relationships, self improvement

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