10 Panic Attack Symptoms – Recognizing the Signs

If you’ve ever endured a moment of extreme panic, you know that panic attack symptoms can be terrifying to experience. Although cognitively, you may be able to recognize that you’re not in any real danger, the physical responses from your body can communicate just the opposite. You may literally feel as if your life is at stake.

Often times, one panic attack can be so traumatic that it triggers fears of having another one. If these fears become debilitating or prevent you from going about your normal lifestyle activities, you could develop an anxiety or panic disorder. Such disorders are different from other responses to very anxious or stressful events in that they can strike without warning or obvious cause.

Anxiety and panic disorders can become overwhelming conditions. To better understand if your anxious feelings could be a sign of an anxiety or panic disorder, let’s take a look at some of the symptoms.

Because everyone is different, there are a variety of common panic attack symptoms.

1. You can’t catch your breath and/or are unable to breathe normally
2. You feel like you’re about to faint.
3. You feel like you’re about to faint.
4. You experience uncontrollable fears, extreme feelings of terror or a feeling of being overwhelmed and unable to cope with the current situation.
5. You experience hot flashes or chills.
6. You may feel as though you are not in your body or not in control of yourself.
7. You may have a feeling of doom, like something bad is about to happen to you.
8. You may experience numbness in your hands, fingers, toes, and legs, or like you can’t stand.
9. Your body may shake or tremble.
10. You may experience an upset stomach or nausea.

Unfortunately, due to the stress of such episodes, becoming stuck in a cycle of anxiety-attack-fear of another attack-symptoms-attack can sometime be hard to avoid. However, sufferers should not give up hope. Luckily, there are a variety of successful treatments and therapies that can help you address the symptoms and conquer your anxiety or panic disorder.

It’s important to note that experiencing extreme anxiety or panic attacks is nothing to hide. You should not feel ashamed. Instead opt to take a course of action to fight back and reclaim your life. Many doctors and/or mental health providers offer affordable treatment options which may also be covered by your health insurance.

In addition, there are steps you can take at home to help yourself. Practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation and listening to self-hypnosis CDs are just a few of the ways that some anxiety sufferers have found relief.

Educating yourself, understanding your condition, and vowing to take positive action is your best bet to overcoming your panic attacks. As you begin to understand your personal triggers, you can then begin to make lifestyle adjustments that decrease stressful situations and symptoms.

The more you learn about anxiety and panic attacks, the more successful you will be at minimizing episodes and stopping them altogether.

If you suffer from some of the symptoms of panic attacks mentioned above, don’t let it limit your life. Educate yourself and seek professional help.

Author Bio: Jacqueline Baskerville has reclaimed her life after suffering with panic attacks. For more information on how you can recognize panic attack symptoms and tips for recovery, visit http://www.ControllingAnxietyandPanic.com. © Copyright 2010 ControllingAnxietyandPanic.com, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: panic attack symptom, panic attack cause, panic attack information

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