13 Ways to Avoid Rape

It is a very unpleasant truth that more than thirty percent of all women will be the victim of a rape or sexual assault at least once in their lifetime. Despite the statistics, there are things you can do keep from becoming the next victim of a sexual predator. These 13 tips can help you live more safely:

First you should think about the things you can do to increase the level of security around your home. What kinds of things can you do to make yourself a less appealing target? Things like self defense training and installing new locks are just the tip of the iceberg. Second, think about what you do when you are out. Look for ways to be safer when you are out shopping late or when you get off of work late at night. Concentrate on your surroundings and be prepared for the worst. Finally, you need to realize that date rape is real, and it can happen to anyone. Not all rapists sneak around in ski masks. Most of the women who are raped know their attackers personally.

13 Tips:

1. Replace light bulbs around the outside of your house, and call to have streetlights replaced in your neighborhood if they are not working.

2. Keep hedges and other landscaping around your home neatly trimmed. If they are overgrown it will be easier for someone to hide in them.

3. Keep everything locked, even when you are home, and make it a habit to lock your doors at home and your car doors too.

4. Use a door with a peephole to check who is at your door before you unwittingly open it up to a stranger who intends to do you harm.

5. When it’s dark out, draw your blinds or curtains so that people can’t see inside.

6. Install safety chains on every door so the door can’t be pushed in on you.

7. Learn Self Defense so that you can walk with confidence and learn how to protect yourself from attackers.

8. Pay attention to everything that takes place in your immediate surroundings. Don’t let someone sneak up on you.

9. Avoid dark alleys and other poorly lit places like parks and parking lots. Walk where you see lots of other pedestrians walking.

10. If you can avoid walking alone at night, do it. Call someone to pick you up or walk with a group of friends.

11. Don’t go to strange places. If you need to call for help it’s imperative that you be able to describe to police exactly where you are.

12. If you go to a party, don’t let anyone bring you a drink. You never know what they might try to put in it.

13. Don’t leave a party or social gathering with someone you don’t really know-particularly if you have been drinking. Instead, call for a cab or see if a friend or family member can pick you up and take you home.

Author Bio: For more information about self defence training, please check out Learn Self Defense.

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: self defence training, Learn Self Defense

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