4 Essential Reasons Why Establishing Values is Important

Establishing good values can affect different aspects of your life, act as a guiding force that will give you purpose and meaning, determine how other people will perceive you and help make you a more conscious and caring human being.

Values are psychological and intangible in nature. Our parents and our role models teach us our value system. There are many influences that determine one’s personal values. Some of these include prior experience, schooling, and religious training. Values are intangible, but evident in how we behave, our decisions and in our interactions with others. The way we act, how we carry out our daily routines, the choices we make, and our responses to situations all reflect the values we hold. The following contains reasons for why establishing strong values is necessary.

Values have a far reaching grip on one’s life and influence different parts of it.

Values have a marked effect in many aspects of our lives. The basis upon which you mtake decisions, whether very silly or very important, depends on the values you possess. You will feel at ease when you make decisions that are in line with your personal values. On the other hand, when you do something that is contrary to what you believe in, you tend to become restless and uneasy.

Values become our directional compass in life and the force that drives us.

What is truly important to an individual is reflected in their values. They develop into an important driver in one’s life and lead him as he goes about his daily tasks. An example of this is how a man who cares about his family and the responsibilities he has to his relatives will make choices that are beneficial to his home and to himself. His concern for his family will direct his decisions and goals. It is also the same in the case of organizations. The value system of a company is a guidepost for both employees and management in terms of the decisions they make and the approach they take with respect to job performance.

Values influence how other people perceive you.

There’s so many ways that you behave, interact and make decisions, and they all come from how deep rooted one’s values are. Other people will tend to make impressions of you based on your values. The impression of your families, friends, co-workers and neighbors will be influenced on whether our values are good or bad.

Values help make you into a conscious and purposeful being.

We would be like robots if we had no values, because we would be without feeling or sensitivity to anything besides our own needs. We will not value truths or hold anything meaningful in life, nor will we strive to put purpose and meaning to our existence. The values you subscribe to define you as a human being and give meaning and color to your life. They cause you to be different from the non living things. A sense of purpose, as well as responsibility and effective inter-personal relationships are all things that are gained from one’s values.

Though abstract, they are an integral part of your persona. This causes many to devote their lives or become a martyr for values important to them.

Author Bio: You can learn more about why personal values are important and how to set them at Best of Time Management, which is located at http://www.best-of-time-management.com/values.htm

Category: Society
Keywords: personal values, what are personal values, personal core values, personal value development

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