4 Ways to Feel Better About Yourself

One of the things that everyone struggles with day in and day out is our self-esteem. Even though we know the world would completely fall apart if it was filled with nothing but super models, famous athletes, and movie stars, we still somehow feel like we don’t measure up if we aren’t just like them. We’ve all got our baggage to deal with. Something from our past that keeps us from realizing our place in the world is just as important. Even the pretty people were teased in school. If you feel like you can’t do anything good enough or your contributions aren’t important, it’s time for a real attitude adjustment.

If human beings have one serious shortcoming it’s the constant need to compare ourselves to others. We just have to see if we can be better at something or smarter than someone else. The problem is that every time we do this, we just end up feeling worse about ourselves than when we started. It takes a complete change in attitude and a little common sense for all of us to realize that we can make a difference and that what we do and who we are matters to someone. Here are 5 ways to start feeling better about yourself:

1. Being confident means playing the part. Look like you are confident. Don’t stare at your feet when you walk. Hold your head up. Look people in the eye. Smile. Be proud. The more you practice maintaining a positive body posture, the more your mind and emotions will follow suit. You will notice that you will start feeling better about yourself immediately.

2. Stop the comparisons right now. If you have to shred your entire collection of super model magazines then do it. Wake up and see the truth about models: they spend hours being made up by professional artists and then they are put under extremely flatter lighting. After that, their pictures are sent to digital imaging artists who pretty much render them completely unrecognizable.

3. Find something fun and productive to do with your time. Get your mind off of those self-defeating thoughts and learn something new about yourself. Go to the gym, learn martial arts styles and martial arts techniques. Karate-chop your negative outlook into little tiny pieces. You can learn to protect yourself from danger and get exercise. Work your way through the belt system and be proud of yourself for taking a chance and learning something new.

4. Make a personal challenge to attempt something new every day or every week or every month-whatever you are capable of. The more time you spend actually living life, the less time you will have leftover to spend worrying about what other people might be thinking or saying about you. Just so you know, the rest of them are mostly concerned about their problems. See what new and exciting things you can learn when you are confident about yourself.

Author Bio: For more information about martial arts styles, please check out martial arts techniques.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: martial arts styles, martial arts techniques

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