5 Tips For Avoiding Restless Nights

We all need sleep to stay in good health and help us recover from the strains of exercise and daily activities. When we don’t get enough quality sleep, it can cause a number of problems.

Symptoms of Poor Sleep

So many of us think the only want to stay ahead is to keep up a busy lifestyle, cramming all kinds of crazy activities into a single day. But if you don’t make time for proper sleep, it can make a tough day even tougher.

– Mood and Concentration Worsen: Are people leery of you? Do you bite and snap at the slightest annoyances? Without enough sleep your ability to control your mood can be impaired. You will also notice yourself struggling to maintain focus on all of your tasks.

– General Health Worsens: Your mood isn’t the only thing that gets bad without sleep. You can also find that your immune system weakens without adequate sleep. You might notice your body is more susceptible to germs and things like the flu and the common cold.

– Driving Ability Worsens: If you drive when you are overly tired, it can be as dangerous or more dangerous than driving under the influence. Without sleep your motor coordination and reaction time can be seriously impaired.


1. Look for ways to improve your sleep environment. You might be in bed for 8 hours every night, but that doesn’t mean you are actually sleep well all eight hours. You might need to invest in a new mattress, look into soundproofing options, or invest a white noise machine to block out the things that can rattle you awake during the night.

2. Do what you can to get rid of stress. Exercising is one way you can rest better. Many people have been successful by adding a new fitness routine to their schedule. You can learn self defense at the gym or with a new Self Defense DVD. Staying active during the day means your body will sleep better at night.

3. Try not to get up frequently during the night, and if you do have to get up train your body to fall back asleep quickly. Count backward from 100 or practice deep breathing until you are relaxed enough to fall asleep again.

4. Perfect your sleep schedule. Sometimes after a long day it can be tempting to hit the sack early. However, going to bed too early can cause you to wake up more during the night. The important thing is that you consistently go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. If you get drowsy too early, find a household task or read a book to keep you awake until bedtime approaches.

5. Lastly, but maybe most importantly, take a long hard look at what you eat and drink. If you eat or drink too much too late at night you can be up multiple times to make trips to the restroom. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoking entirely if you can. If not, try to avoid them in the hours just before bed time, as all of these things can have a negative impact on your ability to fall asleep.

Author Bio: For more information about learn self defense, please check out Self Defense DVD.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: learn self defense, Self Defense DVD

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