5 Ways to Pass Basic Training

If you have ever had the chance to talk to a Marine, you know that earning the title of Marine is not easy. Basic training is a very difficult training program that can leave you entirely exhausted and thoroughly defeated if you are not prepared for it. If you have plans to join the Marines, you should not put of training. You can start preparing even before you go in-in fact, experts recommend that you start training well in advance of entering basic training.

1. When you start pre-training at home, begin slowly and work your way up to a more advanced level. Starting with the average Marine Corp drills is not a good idea. You are liable to feel unprepared and it could leave you mentally in bad shape. Set reasonable goals for improvement and remember that steady improvements over a period of time are the objective. When you begin, take shorter jogs, do fewer repetitions with pushups and free weights, and use lighter weights. You will be taking several physical tests during basic, so it’s necessary to prepare yourself ahead of time.

2. Start well in advance of Basic Training and stick to your planned routine. Getting out there just a couple of times a week will not be enough to prepare you for the tortures of training. If you do not already get up every morning at the crack of dawn, now is the time to start. Set you alarm and forget about hitting that snooze button. Train yourself to go to bed early and wake up early. You will be glad you did.

3. Run every day if you can. You will need to be able to run a certain distance in a specified amount of time. So if you haven’t been running you need to work up to longer distances slowly. After you get to where you can run longer distances, try training for speed. You should at the minimum be able to run a mile in eight minutes or less. Are you a smoker? Time to quit. You’ll need those lungs working at top capacity in Basic Training.

4. If you have any experience in Martial Arts Training, now is the time to take a little refresher. If you don’t have any experience, you should take some time to learn a few self defense tactics. These disciplines are closely related to close combat training and they can help you stay a step ahead when you start Basic Training. While you will be learning plenty of new things, you should work to develop your flexibility and agility.

5. Last but not least, remember to keep an eye out for details. You are going to be forced to be meticulous about everything from the way you make your bed to the way you dress yourself and groom every day. Get in the habit of keeping your things and yourself neat and tidy. Drop the bad habits now, and Basic Training might just be a little bit easier for you.

Author Bio: For more information about self defense tactics, please check out Martial Arts Training.

Category: Sports
Keywords: self defense tactics, Martial Arts Training

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