7 Reasons You Should Look at Network Marketing

Have you ever thought about starting your own business? If you have, there are a couple of options. You can go into MLM or network marketing, own a franchise, or start your own business.

If you can buy a franchise you will spend thousands of dollars and basically buy yourself a job. You can start your own business, which usually takes a great idea and lots of money. Or you can take a look at starting your own home based business.

If you are like me when you hear the word network marketing, you probably cringe. You might think of this as one of those pyramid schemes or maybe it is even multi-level marketing.

Well pyramid schemes are illegal and if you have a job right now, you are in a multi-level marketing. Most companies have a CEO at the top, then he or she will have a couple people answering to them. Those people will have a layer of management under them and so on and so forth. The key is I have a very small chance of ever making the same kind of income the CEO does. That is not true in a network marketing company. You have control of how much money you are going to earn.

These are the reasons you should take a look at network marketing:

1) A very low initial cost. Most of these companies have a start-up cost ranging from $100.00 to $1000.00.

2) You have the opportunity to develop residual income. This is what is so appealing. The longer you work your business, the more your income is going to be residual. Meaning your income is going to be coming to you whether you are working or not.

3) You can Leverage your income. When you work for yourself you can only work so many hours to create your income. You have a team of people working with you so you can exponentiate your income.

4) You make money by helping other people make money. So how cool is that. The only way to make big money is by helping other people. The more people you help create a successful business and income, the more money you make. In most companies, it does not take a million successful people. If you develop 4 to 5 leaders in your business, you will create a large residual income.

5) Your income is directly related to your own personal growth and self improvement. If you would interview the major money earners of any business they would tell you to read self improvement books. By working on yourself you build up your income.

6) You become part of a Team. One of the coolest feelings is when you are part of a team striving for a common goal. You develop personal relationships with people all over the world.

7) Speaking of all over the world. You can work from ANYWHERE. In most of these companies it does not matter where you work from. All you need is a phone and an internet connection. In most cases, you can even be relaxing on vacation and still have your business making money for you.

I have been in network marketing for a while now and the longer I am in the business the more thankful I become. I am not selling anything, I just share the opportunity. Some will, some won’t, so what, someone’s waiting.

I am very grateful and appreciative for the opportunity I was shown.

May everyone have outstanding success!

Author Bio: Mark Nelson is one of the top online Network Marketing and MLM Coaches. Mark mentors on relationship marketing, appreciation marketing, social media, and using traditional prospecting techniques. If you are looking to create massive growth, duplication, and success, visit Mark’s MLM Boot Camp now.

Category: Business
Keywords: network marketing, home based business, entrepreneur, residual income, mlm business,

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