8 Resveratrol Health Benefits Revealed by Experts

Have you heard of resveratrol? If you haven’t then it is high time you should as the medical community is gradually waking up to the health benefits that it offers. It is basically a phtoalexin that certain plants produce naturally when they are attacked by pathogens namely fungi and bacteria.

It is now the topic of several medical researches and studies and scientists believe this phtoalexin can improve your health to a great extent. In fact as of now there are as many as 60 resveratrol health benefits. And with studies being undertaken to see how it can halt the spread of cancer, it seems that more health benefits are on its way.

8 Resveratrol Health Benefits Are Listed Below:

1) Acne – It has been seen resveratrol effectively kills the bacteria responsible for acne and pimples. It works even better than benzoyl peroxide and does not have any kind of side effects. So now you know how to get rid of the zits!

2) Anti Aging – The benefits of resveratrol make is a wonder drug and one of the best wonders is it can slow the process of aging. It inhibits diseases that are related to old age like cardiovascular disorders, inflammation and neurodegenerative disorders.

3) Blood Pressure – Studies have shown it is an anti oxidant that increases the level of good cholesterol and improves blood circulation. It prevents the damages of the blood vessels and it is extremely effective in regulating the blood pressure.

4) Depression – Will you be happy and relaxed every time you drink red wine? The reason behind this is it is an anti-depressant, mild yet potent. It acts as an enzyme inhibitor and inhibits monoamine oxidase and 5-hydroxytryptamine. It works in a way similar to that of most anti-depressant drugs.

5) Energy – Researches carried out on mice showed when this was included in their diets the mice manifested increased levels of energy. And researchers believe it will have similar results on humans as well. Other than increased energy there is improvement in body muscles due to enhanced mitochondrial activity

6) Weight Loss – This is one of the health benefits that will make a lot of people happy. Researchers have proved this phytoalexin effectively cuts down the hunger pangs. This means you binge less and your calorie intake reduces considerably. This helps you to lose weight.

7) Liver Disease – When excess cholesterol and fat gets deposited in your liver the fatty liver fails to perform its function properly and you suffer from a number of liver diseases. Studies have shown resveratrol activates certain enzymes that metabolize fat and it also increases the ability of the liver to break down fat molecules.

8) Heart Disease – One of the best health benefits is it lowers the risk of heart disease. Strokes are caused by blood clots that can lead to coronary arterial thrombosis. It is also caused by platelet aggregation that basically means enhanced stickiness of the blood. The phytoalexin inhibits platelet aggregation.

Resveratrol is a naturally occurring phytoalexin that has umpteen numbers of health benefits. About 60 benefits have been found and exhaustive researches are still being carried out.

Author Bio: Our researchers have reported more than 60 resveratrol health benefits, visit www.resveratrols.org for more information.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: resveratrol, resveratrol health benefits

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