9 Facts About Muay Thai

1. Muay Thai is a Martial Arts Training style that is deeply connected to the past history of the Asian country of Thailand. The country of Thailand has an extended history of violent military invasions from its bordering countries. Because of this, Thailand’s inhabitants have been repeatedly forced to use their own fighting skills to defend the country from attacks by other military groups.

2. In the earliest years the only things they Thai people had to rely upon for protection during battle were rudimentary clubs and short-range spears. This led to fighting at extremely close ranges which necessitated the use of fighting methods that incorporate the use of the feet, hands, fists, elbows, and even the head as combative weapons.

3. Martial arts techniques used by Muay Thai fighters were basic. Fighters defended themselves with nothing more than bare fists sometimes. And in the earliest days of the discipline not even grappling techniques were used. A fighter would step in closer to make a strike and then they would withdraw very quickly in an attempt to dodge a return strike from their opponent. Size and weight classes didn’t even exist then. The men simply fought out of necessity. The winner of the battle would move on quickly to meet his next opponent.

4. There were no rules to speak of. In the heat of battle there was no one to say that using the head for a striking weapon was unacceptable. Attacks to the groin were not off-limits. To the contrary, they were very helpful for defeating the opponent and used frequently. Eventually, though, the discipline began to change. Sparring matches developed, and they would eventually be divided into separate rounds.

5. Time simplest Muay Thai techniques involve using the body’s parts as weapons-the knees, shins, fists, elbows, and feet are all very effective striking weapons. When it comes to self defense, a fighter will often switch to grappling moves.

6. One common Muay Thai technique is called the clinch. It is performed by grabbing an opponent around his body or neck. You may have seen this before when you’ve watched a boxing match on TV. When it happens in boxing, however, the two opponents are often forced to separate.

7. Another key element of Muay Thai is blocking. Blocking is not easy, and it requires that Muay Thai practitioners be the best physical and mental condition. One block utilizes the shin to block roundhouse strikes from the opponent on the mid and lower body.

8. Muay Thai is gaining in popularity all across the globe and its status as a competitive sport also continues to gain steam. As it is taught throughout the world, its methods and techniques are being infused into other sports.

9. Muay Thai has grown so much that there is now a world championship tournament held each year. As the sport gains acceptance in new countries, men, women, and children alike are learning the martial arts techniques of Muay Thai.

Author Bio: For more information about martial arts techniques, please check out Martial Arts Training.

Category: Sports
Keywords: martial arts techniques, Martial Arts Training

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