Achievement: Unveiling the Two Sides of the Coin

Life is an irony. Once, a sixteen year old boy working in a shop that sells cart accessories and cart parts proudly announced that despite how little the amount of money he earns from his current job, he still sees it as his biggest achievement since he was able to help his mother pay their bills. Days before that, a rising young professional was very devastated because he lost in a public bidding for some projects he wants to hold.

Two men stuck in two different worlds. The other is poor but contented. The other is rich yet dissatisfied. What makes them different? The way they define achievement.

Achievement is just a word yet humans run after it and would be willing to die for it. It is a driving force that pushes anyone to dream and turn that dream into something better in reality. It encourages every single soul to stand up, take the required steps and .

Perception towards achievement varies. For some it should be tangible, taking the form of a flashy medal, three-foot tall trophy, framed certificate, gold-plated badge or crystal-made plaque. Others see it as finding a good job, working in his dream company, raising good kids, helping a love one in any way possible, graduating from college, getting married, learning how to cook and even perfecting how to change little sister’s diapers.

The way persons see and understand the word, as well as their experiences, affect the level where they can already consider something as an achievement. The sixteen year old boy, since he has been out facing the world for a shorter time maybe, considers earning a small amount selling cart accessories and cart parts as an achievement. But the young professional, since he has been working and gaining praises for a longer time expects to get a higher level of achievement from what he previously achieved. A lot is being expected from the second guy, and because he was not able to bag the project, he thinks that he failed this time. It depends upon perception after all.

It is not generalized, but there had been a notion that once a person has achieved something, more eyes are looking at his direction and watching what great things he will do next. The person who has achieved something would start getting all of the pressure to surpass what he had achieved then.

Although achievement has its advantages, it also possesses some disadvantages. It is also safe to say that because of too much pressure placed upon a person to achieve, those who cannot carry the challenge ended their lives instead. Running after achievement can also cause a person to just work and work without enjoying great things that life has to offer, and before they know it, their time just ended. The word also triggers misunderstandings and conflicts between two people running after the same achievement.

Achievement has two faces. It has its set of advantages and disadvantages. It can be a driving force to reach for your goal and hold it in your hands, and it can take the lives of anybody who can’t overcome and laugh at the pressure. These two sides though are still dependent of how a person perceives it to be. Be contented of little things like the boy selling cart accessories, or mourn over unsuccessful public biddings? Will you let it cloud your head, or will you let it stay below your feet? The choice is yours.

Author Bio: Reba N. Stern enjoys writing for which offers golf car parts and cart accessories as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: achievement,,achievement unveiling,achievement definition

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