Ants: The Pesky Picnic Pests

If ever there was an unwelcome guest at a picnic, it is an ant. Ants are all over the place and all you have to do is step outside and stare at the ground for a few minutes to see one, or see hundreds of them. Since they are so tiny, it is easy for ants to make their way into your home and even if you do not think you have a problem, just leaving spilled juice or a drop of ice cream on the floor overnight will create one. It is as if an all-points bulletin goes out to every ant in the neighborhood and all head to your house for a feast. If you want to avoid a serious ant problem, it is important to understand how ants operate and then take measures to avoid having them enter your home.

Ants lead a similar life to bees in that they exhibit swarming behavior, they live in a colony, they have a queen, and certain ants play certain roles in colony life-like guards, warriors, and nurses. Ants are smart little creatures and they set up systems in their colonies that allow them to get a vast amount of work accomplished. Some ants even understand how to grow crops near their colonies to feed their fellow colonists. Some scientists even compare ant culture to the development of intelligent man and they cite a number of ways in which ants and humans are similar.

While ants are typically seen as a nuisance to homeowners, they actually work in many of the same ways as spiders do. Ants help eliminate other pests. In a best case scenario though, you would not be battling any insects in your home, so if you are thinking about adopting a colony of ants to drive away other nuisance bugs, you probably have better options. Ants can be destructive to corn crops, so if you have corn in the garden, you may want to keep an eye on the pesky critters and find ways to repel them from your corn stalks.

It is important to remember that there are different kinds of ants. While your usual run of the mill brown ant will do little more than tickle if it should happen across your skin, fire ants bite and hurt. There are also larger species of ants that can cause damage should they come into contact with your skin, so deal with ant problems in your home according to their level of seriousness. While a few random tiny ants here and there can be tolerated, a colony of fire ants living in your bathroom should be dealt with swiftly.

Lastly, be sure you are not bringing ants into your home on packages, produce, and other foods. Since ants will come running to your outdoor picnic, they are likely to make their way into blankets and picnic baskets, holding on for dear life in hopes of grabbing a few additional morsels. If you have enjoyed time outside, shake out all of your items before bringing them indoors, launder blankets and clothing that were with you, and rinse out dishes and containers as soon as possible.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter is an expert in the field of exterminating and contributes articles about the benefits of using Sentricon and the Sentricon system for eliminating termites from a structure.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: Sentricon,Sentricon System

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