Are Medicines Necessary For Tackling Anxiety Attack?

You can have several attacks and many harrowing experiences before somebody diagnoses them as anxiety attacks. Diagnosis of such ailments is always hard, but thanks to the tireless research, now we have better means of eliminating them. With better medicines and less cumbersome therapies you can now tackle your anxiety attack more easily than you could a few decades ago.

Anxiety medications today have lesser side effects than they used to. Moreover, with wider availability of alternate medicines, tackling anxiety attack has become very easy. Let us first talk a little about the conventional medication. Although there is little evidence that pharmacological intervention can eliminate anxiety attack, two types of medicines have been regularly prescribed by the psychiatrist to tackle it, especially in cases of severe disorder. There are:

– the benzodiazepine group of medicine for immediate effect
– antidepressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for long term treatment

The benzodiazepines are wonder medicines that if taken on the onset of an anxiety attack can stop it from becoming full blown. Sometimes they are also prescribed for regular intake for a limited period. However, these drugs are habit forming and develop drug dependency. When they are finally taken off, the patients have to suffer withdrawal symptom along with anxiety attack. That is why not many people like to use it and if you are one of those who need short-term assistance and yet are afraid to take the benzodiazepines, take PureCalm.

PureCalm is a safe and non-addictive herbal medicine specially formulated to control anxiety and promote a calmed mood in a very short time span. Moreover, it reduces everyday nervous tension and promotes a natural balanced mood if taken on regular basis. However, if you want long-term assistance, you can depend on MindSoothe, a homeopathic antidepressant that also claims to eliminate anxiety attack from the root. However, such a medicine is not safe for children. If the patient is below fifteen, or is pregnant or even nursing opt for Nerve Tonic instead. It is safe for every body.

However, not everybody believes that pharmacological assistance is of any use in eliminating anxiety attack. Yes, that may be required to control such attacks, but not for eliminating them. Unless the condition is severe, psychiatrists prefer to depend more on psychotherapy and self-help tricks rather than on medicines. However, all these methods are so cumbersome that they leave the patient hopeless rather than encouraged. Moreover, regular psychotherapy cost a fortune and so very few people can get benefit out of them.

However, do not give up hope, neither Joe Barry nor Charles Linden did. They not only cured themselves, but they have also left roadmap for us to follow. Joe Barry’s Panic Away is a famous e-book that you can buy online, but before that, you should read appraisals on his work to get better idea about his method and there are plenty of them. Read Joe Barry review to know more about his ‘One Move Technique’ that would break the panic cycle and free the sufferer from anxiety attacks for good.

Linden Method, promoted by Charles Linden, is equally effective in eliminating anxiety attack permanently. If you read reviews on his works or go straight to the official website of the Linden Centre, you can have better glimpse of Charles Linden Method. If you compare the two programs, you will find an uncanny similarity between the two and that is not very difficult to comprehend because both the program are based on scientific truth, not on mere assumption. Both of them have actually their bases in the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT. Only thing is that they have simplified the process to meet today’s need.

The CBT is a combination of cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy. It tries to control the thought process as well as the behavior through a number of sessions and that is why if you go for traditional CBT, you will have to sit for many sessions, spending a lot of time and money at each. During the course of the therapy, the therapist will try to make you look inside your mind and teach you how to identify the thought process that gives rise to anxiety or panic. He will then show you how to divert that thought process into a safer channel, so that you can get rid of the anxiety.

The technique used by Joe Barry and Charles Linden is a variation of this. However as the methods have been simplified, you will receive results almost immediately. Both of them promises fast and permanent cure in a drug free way. You have already spent lots of money on therapies and medicines. Why do you not try them as well?

Author Bio: Article by Beth Kaminski of, a website with the best remedies for panic attacks and panic attack medications information on the web.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Anxiety attack, PureCalm, Joe Barry review, Charles Linden method

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