Are You Tired of Struggling With Your MLM?

Remember when you joined your MLM? Your sponsor told you how easy it was to make lots of money with this MLM. All you have to do is talk to all of your family members and friends, because, after all, you want them to cash in on what you have, right? Your sponsor then went on to show you how your few associates can multiply into financial independence for you. It’s basic math, who can argue with that?

Fast forward to one or two months later. Very few of your friends and family care two shakes about your opportunity. So now what do you do? Your upline will tell you that you should talk to everyone you see every day…in the grocery store, at the youth baseball, football or soccer park, at the dry cleaners, in the mall…..wherever there are people. They all want what you have, they just don’t know it.

That all sounds great if you did not have a full time 9 to 5 job and have a life outside of network marketing. It’s not that your upline is trying to mislead you, it’s just that they don’t understand the limitations under which your live. They “live” the opportunity…they have forgotten what it’s like to try to build your MLM business while trying to feed your family and pay the bills. They also don’t understand marketing.

MLM is not a belly to belly business any longer!

The way of today is internet marketing! You can build your network marketing business online and still support your family while doing it. Of course this means that your network marketing business has now morphed into internet marketing. MANY network marketers are looking for answers and they are looking online. As your upline preaches to you, it’s the power of duplication…..on steroids.

So what do you need to do to build your MLM business online?

1. You need an autoresponder. Aweber and Get Response are both easy to use and valuable tools for your business.

2. You need a list. This is a little harder. You need to create either a blog that your update several times per week or you need a website that you update several times per week. Either works…you only have to provide valuable information to your readers and provide them a sign up form for your ezine (newsletter).

3. When they sign up for your ezine, they will be placed on your autoresponder list and will begin to receive periodic emails from you. Continue to provide them valuable information to build their trust.

4. Once you have built their trust, you can ask them to make a purchase. If they do, you should have your autoresponder set to send them follow up messages. Likewise, if they don’t, you should continue to send them messages to strengthen your relationship with them. After all, it’s not like you can take them to lunch to show them how wonderful you and your product are.

A well thought out autoresponder campaign is an integral part of online success. Let’s get to work to build your online business!

Author Bio: Sharon Harrison is an Online Business and Marketing Coach. Visit her website to learn more about network marketing online.

Category: Internet
Keywords: mlm,network marketing,internet marketing

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