Beautiful Bodybuilder Women

The same objective as men, just a different approach

First things first, bodybuilding is considered a sport, and there are few other sports in the world that require the time and effort in preparing for contests. The intense training that goes into building musclemen and beautiful bodybuilder women means that bodybuilding is most definitely considered a sport.

To build a body that’s fit for showing takes a massive and prolonged effort. Having the “perfect” body is the ultimate goal of building both men and women’s bodies, but the differences in anatomy and metabolism naturally requires a different approach.

The female body isn’t capable of producing massive muscles like a male bodybuilder without chemical assistance. The natural diet and exercises that male bodybuilders do will produce different results in women.

Musclewomen still lift weights, eat a high-protein diet and take natural supplements; their bodies respond with great conditioning and muscle definition (even a “six-pack”), just without the muscle size a male would get.

The ideal look for beautiful bodybuilder women has gone through a few phases. Originally, a smooth shapely figure was desired. Then along came the trend of massive muscular development spurred on by the use of anabolic steroids and MGH (male growth hormones). This trend caused a lot of musclewomen to look just like men!

Lately, the trend has gone back to the more natural look for women bodybuilders. They still perform lots of resistance exercises and monitor their diet, which gives them definition and muscularity, but also try to retain their femininity.

Becoming one of the beautiful bodybuilder women starts with both weights and resistance training. Each and every muscle group of the body is worked to absolute exhaustion at least once a week, but women’s bodies are completely different to men’s and their upper and lower body shapeliness calls for different exercises.

For females, more emphasis is placed on the hip flexors, abductor and adductor muscles on the outer and inner thighs, squats and thigh-bicep curls for the quadriceps and hamstrings, and calf raises to finish off the lower body.

With the upper body, women work their chest muscles with machine presses and flies, dumbbell and barbell presses and flies, shoulder presses and arm work. The arms are pumped with curls on both dumbbells and barbells, press-downs with the triceps, and French presses using a bench. An experienced and advanced female bodybuilder will lift an impressive amount of weight in each workout.

The French Press:
With both hands, hold the barbell with a palms-down grip, roughly 6 inches (15 cm) apart. Keeping your back straight, sit on the edge of the bench with your feet firmly on the floor and your head up. Press the barbell above your head, inhale, and lower the weight straight down behind your head. By bending your arms at the elbows but keeping your upper arms vertical, you’ll keep the exercise in a small semi-circular motion. Lower the barbell until your biceps touch your forearms, then press the barbell back to the starting position along the same path while exhaling. Make sure your keep your upper arms close to the side of your head throughout the whole exercise.

It should be noted that a common noticeable result of female bodybuilding is a reduction in breast size. As breasts are made mostly of fat, the less body fat you have, the smaller they will be. It is unfortunately an unavoidable side-effect of female bodybuilding, but if it is of major concern to you then breast implants may be a viable option.

Nutrition is a complementary but necessary part of the program for successfully building beautiful musclewomen. A diet of about 25% of the calories coming from protein, 40% from complex carbohydrates and the rest from fibre and fats will be useful in rebuilding tissue damaged by intense and strenuous workouts.

Dietary supplements are recommended also; protein powder mixed with raw milk, and amino acids to help with burning fat and to metabolize the protein. For the best source of useable protein, lots of eggs should be eaten.

A soluble oil, like wheatgerm oil, should be ingested for endurance and energy, and also desiccated liver and kelp tablets can be taken for a concentrated protein boost.

Competition is the final aspect of female bodybuilding. Because women’s bodies are different to men’s, they are for the most part shown differently. They still adopt some of the more male-orientated poses, like flexing the arms, back, shoulders and legs, but women’s bodybuilding poses are often more graceful and sensual as well, intended to show the beautiful and highly-developed female body in its optimal form.

In summary, becoming one of the beautiful bodybuilder women is very similar to becoming a muscleman, just with some slightly different takes on the exercises, diet and metabolism, and overall outcome. The results, however, can be as impressive as a mans, and will usually speak for themselves!

Author Bio: For more great info on bodybuilding and nutrition come and check out and get the help you deserve.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: beautiful bodybuilder women,women bodybuilders,bodybuilding women

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