Become an Attractive Person With Human Pheromone

What is human pheromone? Well, pheromones are actually chemical scents that humans, mammals and insects give off. This chemical is subconsciously detected by animals of the same species. It gives out subtle information about your fertility, immune system, your sexuality and amongst other things can cause sexual arousals which can make you a very attrctive person.

Have you seen animals sniffing each other before getting into sexual acts? Have you been sniffing your partner or vice versa in a state of sexual arousal and love? That is your human pheromone at work.

The human pheromone is barely detectable as it has virtually no scent so you or the person attracted to you do not know why you are drawn to each other. The signals that this chemical gives out are detected through an organ in the nose known as Vomeronasal Organ or VNO for short. It is also sometimes called the Jacobson’s organ. So it is a subconscious chemical response instead of a response by scent.

The common question is that do humans give off pheromone signals naturally? Can human detect these signals? Do we respond to them sexually?

Although there are many schools of thoughts, there are also many unanswered questions like why are humans attracted to some people and are repulsed by some instinctively? Is it pheromone at work when people fall in love at first sight? Why do we like to sniff the odors of our sexual partners or someone we love? Are these things human pheromones at work?

Because of this, the scent industry is capitalizing on these new findings about human pheromones and is producing pheromone perfumes and colognes to meet the demands of people who want to accentuate their pheromone level for extra sexual attraction. However, since we have our own natural pheromones, why do we need these products?

Well, humans have the propensity to wash away or mask our natural pheromones by washing, showering and using other chemicals such as applying deodorants, aftershaves or moisturizers with scents. Furthermore unlike animals, we dress up from head to head to toe, thereby covering much of the skin that releases our pheromones into the air.

Then there are some research that points out that through the evolutionary process, our natural production has decreased gradually because our societies have turned to social customs and norms when selecting a mate instead of relying on our natural instinct.

This is where manufactured pheromone scent comes into play. When you wear pheromone cologne, you are not only replacing pheromones you have washed off or masked up, you are adding more of this sexual attractant on yourself. So by simply replenishing and even enhancing your natural pheromones, you are being back into nature of sexually attracting a mate and also to establish a chemical communication with people you are with naturally. People respond favorably to you without even knowing why they do so.

Wearing pheromone scent is an easy way to boost your attraction power. You will also feel much more confident in yourself and confidence in itself also make you a very attractive person. So if you want to be more sexually attractive, isn’t it about time to enhance your natural human pheromone level?

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a relationship and fitness consultant. Read his free articles at Pheromone cologne and What is human pheromone

Category: Dating
Keywords: human pheromone, attractive, attractant, sexually

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