Best Kept Secret on Meeting Women

Most men who are looking to meet women usually have two focuses – making themselves attractive to women and figuring out just where to meet someone.

I have the answer that will allow you to multi task: join a gym.

Even if you are in great shape, joining a gym can do multiple things to help you in your search to meet women. It can help you broaden or even create a social network, it can get you more in touch with your body and physical activity that releases endorphins and it gives you a chance to meet women away from a bar or club environment.

If you want to meet women, one good method is to build your social circle. The more people you know, the more likely you are to meet women to date or even the woman of your dreams to marry. Many successful relationships stemmed from someone introducing two friends or acquaintances to one another. It just makes sense. There is automatically a filter system in place – you have already weeded out most of the crazies and psychos (men and women) just by having a friend who recommends them. So joining a gym and making friends with everyone you can is a fantastic way to beef up your social circle.

The second benefit is the actual physical activity. Be sure to join a gym that offers a broad range of activities, much more than just weight lifting alone. This is key because they number of women who lift is not very high. So look for a gym that has classes, such as yoga and spin and stretching. Ideally, you will want to join a gym that has a swimming pool and room for teams, such as volleyball. Find what guns your motor and join at least one of those classes. You will meet other people, both men and women and will benefit, not only physically but emotionally and mentally as your body releases those feel good endorphins that will help you be happier and more at peace.

Now, here is a crucial point if you are joining a gym to meet women: you need to enroll in classes at the gym that are classes that traditionally attract women. I’m talking yoga, aerobics, and spin class, whatever. Do a little reconnaissance beforehand, maybe while you are getting your tour of the gym before you actually sign up. During this time, pay attention to what classes seem full of women and short of men. Join those classes. Go in there, be a good sport, be the nice, friendly guy that you are and guess what? You are bound to meet women. You will stand out by being the only guy in your class and chances are some o those women will be intrigued by you and even take you under their wing. So say the woman you sit beside in yoga class is married … make friends with her. You never know when she decides you are the perfect guy to meet her single best friend or her adorable little sister.

Author Bio: Bill has been teaching men How to Get a Girlfriend for the last 5 years in NYC and is a pick up artist who can help you learn to do the same. The original article can be found here: Best Kept Secret on Meeting Women.

Category: Advice
Keywords: dating advice, dating tips, relationships, date ideas

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