Discover How You Can Learn To Speak German Fluently!

Have you always dreamed of visiting Germany or Switzerland? Working on your German family history? Getting ready to take an overseas business assignment? How much German do you really know? If you’re reading this, you need to know how to learn to speak German fluently.

Cheer up – learning German isn’t as hard as all that! Developing an ear for the language is your first step. Listen to native German speakers as they talk. Right away, you’ll realize that many German vowels and consonants are not pronounced the same way in English. German speakers pronounce the letter combination “Th” like an English “T.” German speakers always pronounce “G” as a hard sound, whereas in English, it’s sometimes pronounced like a soft “J.” This is why German often sounds so harsh to English speakers. But the more you listen and identify these distinctively German sounds, the easier it will be to learn to speak German fluently, because you’re internalizing the sound of the language.

Now I’m going to ask you to do something a bit unusual – watch an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie! Try saying the actor’s lines in as close an approximation of his accent as you can muster. No, you’re not speaking German yet – but you’re getting a feel for the sound of the language. As you learn to speak German fluently, you’ll use these sounds to perfect your accent.

Naturally, you won’t learn German just from imitating Arnold Schwarzenegger! Learning a language requires a systematic program of study. If convenience is a factor, you may enjoy studying online. Others prefer learning from CDs or through taking a class. Whatever method you choose, make sure your program focuses on conversation. You can’t learn to speak German from a book; you can only learn to read it. You will learn to speak German fluently only if you speak it and hear it spoken.

Remember, German has three genders – masculine, feminine, and neuter. English nouns have no gender, so this may be the first time you’ve encountered them. Der Hund (dog) and der Mantel (coat) are examples of masculine nouns. Feminine nouns include blanket (die Decke) and vacation (die Ferien). Das Haus (house) and das Schwein (pig) are examples of neuter nouns. All three words – “der,” “die,” or “das” – mean “the,” but they show the gender of the noun they accompany. There’s no way to predict whether a noun is going to be masculine, feminine, or neuter, so if you want to learn to speak German fluently, always remember to learn the proper article at the same time you learn the noun.

In the end, though, the best way to learn German may be making friends with German people. Dialogues on tapes or CDs are great, but to really get the feel of a language, you need to speak it just as you would your own. You need a partner for that. Human interaction will help you learn to speak German fluently, and you’ll make a fast friend, too!

Author Bio: If you want to learn to speak German fluently then Rocket German Premium is just what you need. Read our Rocket German review today before you invest in this proven language course.

Category: Education
Keywords: speak german,learning german,how to learn german,german fluency,learn to speak german fluently

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