Earn More With an Advanced Degree
You will hear it a lot. Want more money? Get a degree. Is it true? It turns out that it is. Statistically, college graduates earn more over their careers than those who stopped at a high school diploma and certainly more than those who didn’t graduate high school. And the higher the degree, the more money they make.
Compare a high school graduate to a college graduate. A high school graduate will earn an average of about $1.2 million over their lifetime. A college graduate can expect an average of about $2.1 million. What about higher degrees? Someone with a masters degree earns about $2.5 million. Those who have earned their PhD can expect an average of $3.4 million. These numbers come from a report called THE BIG PAYOFF published by the Census Bureau.
What about annual salaries? A high school drop out will make about $18,900 a year but a high school graduate will make about $25,900. A college graduate who holds a bachelors degree averages about $45,000 a year. Holder of professional degrees, such as lawyers, dentists and doctors typically earn around $99,300 annually. So the gap between a high school drop out and a professional degree earner is approximately $80,000 every single year! What a difference!
What if your formal education stopped at high school graduation? Don’t worry. There’s still time. Getting that degree is not easy but it has become easier. We’re not talking about diploma mills. You will still need to study material, be tested and prove that you know the material. Think you don’t have time for college? There are new ways to go to school. There are many online programs available for working adults that will allow you to obtain your higher degree at your pace, while working and from anywhere that you have an internet connection and a computer.
So is online education right for you? First and foremost what are your goals and plans? You need to answer that first. Once you know what your specific goals are, you need to find an online college with a program that can help you meet those goals. Make sure you talk to friends and family and see if anyone you know has gone to school online. Referrals are always important. You will also want to attend an accredited institution and know that your units earned are transferable.
You laid out a formidable goal for yourself and selected an online school to help your reach that goal. What about tuition and books? You may already have discovered the answer while you were researching potential schools. A good online school will have a Financial Aid department that will help you through the process of affording your new education. Don’t let the word AID sidetrack you. This isn’t about handouts. There are financial aid advisors who are well versed in how to pay for higher education through loans, scholarships, grants and cash payments. Ask your financial aid advisor a lot of questions and make sure that you feel comfortable with their expertise. He or she can be every bit as vital to your success as your academic advisor.
Obtaining a higher income is possible through obtaining a higher degree, but first you must do your homework about what you want, the degree you wish to obtain, how much it will cost and what you can expect in Financial Aid. Once you have that mastered you will be on your way to completing the homework need to obtain your degree. Study your options and study hard!
Author Bio: If you’re ready to pursue your education, start with an accredited online education. You’re sure to find the online university that’s right for you.
Category: Education
Keywords: online degree,online education, college,education