Effective Body Language to Attract Women

Ever wondered how important body language is to attracting younger women? Well, it is estimated that over ninety percent of communication is non-verbal. That means you are giving off a big first impression by not even speaking to a single word. So it is worth learning a thing or two about the topic of body language. Most men think that it is the words that they speak and what they say that makes the biggest difference. Whilst what you say is important, it is much more vital to learn about your own body language and the message you are conveying. Knowing about this area not only puts you at an advantage when it comes to attracting younger women (women really notice -and are attracted to you- when you know how to carry yourself, when you give off positive body language such as standing straight, keeping your shoulders back, not fidgeting, not staring for too long etc), but also you can use it to demonstrate higher value by sharing your knowledge and experience when you are talking to a group of women. How so you may be asking? Great question! Let me explain.

The way you do this is by fixing the negative body language of a woman you are interested in. For example, let’s say you are talking to a girl who happens to have her arms crossed. You can change the feel of the interaction completely and make her much more responsive to you by pointing out that having her arms crossed creates a barrier (to you) and can communicate that she is being defensive or perhaps hiding something from the other person she is talking to. By complete contrast to what she is doing with her body language, you continue to explain further that she would be much better off leaving her arms down by her side (you may want to do this for her by taking her arms and moving them down to the side, leading her into the position), which now shows that she is open to the person she is talking to and appears relaxed. She will realized that you know a lot about this and will be sure to be impressed.

Off course, you can do this for any other body language mistakes that you learn about…you get the idea.. So another thing you may also like to do is point out the negative body language of a guy who is approaching a girl, just as an example. You can show your knowledge by pointing out what he is doing right or wrong, and what he should be doing instead.. this will also impress the woman you are with.

The great thing about having knowledge in this field and applying it to yourself, is that it is one of those things that you can ‘fix’ almost immediately and then let it ‘set’ to work for you. The more things you can do to work in your favor, the more chance you have of success with women.

Author Bio: If you want to learn more about the simple adjustments that you can make immediately to have more effective body language, then visit http://www.secretsofdatingyoungerwomen.com/effective-body-language/ for a comprehensive list of what you need to consider regarding having attractive body language.

Category: Dating
Keywords: effective body language, body language, body language mistakes

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