External Hemorrhoids Treatment – How to Deal With Hemorrhoids Fast

Having to live with the symptoms of hemorrhoids/ piles can be a very distressful experience, the symptoms of pain, itching and rectal bleeding can sometimes be so distressful that they disturb normal daily activities.(Click the links in the last paragraph below to free yourself totally from the symptoms of hemorrhoids)

Hemorrhoids can be precipitated by the consumption of low fiber diets, overeating, intoxicating liquors, tobacco, spices of various kinds, white bread, sugar, fried foods, and all acid forming foods which cause fermentation. Consumption of this kind of diet causes constipation, clogs the liver and causes an impure blood stream and causes irritation of the stomach and intestines. {Get a free mini course on hemorrhoids at the links in the last paragraph below}

External hemorrhoids can form swollen tissues of blood vessels covered by skin at the mouth of the anus{these are seen as little tumors around the anus}. Bleeding during defecation can also be a symptom of hemorrhoid. Piles can also be very painful especially the external variety. Often, there is extreme itching. {Learn how you can get rid of painful hemorrhoids fast at the links in the last paragraph below}

Taking a hot enema is a good way of commencing home treatment for hemorrhoids/piles. You can use either white oak bark or bayberry bark or white alum root tea at a temperature of about 102F to 108F to cleanse the entire length of the colon.

Witch hazel mixed with one teaspoonful yellow dark root can be used to make strong tea. Use the witch hazel bark and catnip if no other herbs are at hand. Use a teaspoonful of witch hazel and a teaspoonful of catnip to a cup of boiling water, steep twenty minutes. {For more information on best herbal mixtures for hemorrhoid treatment click the links in the last paragraph below}

If you have external hemorrhoids you can dip a small piece of cotton into this tea and use the cloth to bathe area gently. To treat internal hemorrhoids with this tea, get a baby syringe and inject two tablespoonfuls at a time or you may use a glass syringe. This natural hemorrhoid treatment gives quick relief of symptoms.

Oral consumption of hot herbs is less painful and the piles will reduce quicker if you take the knee-chest position, as this causes the intestines to drop forward.

Very bad cases of hemorrhoids can be cured using kerosene alone. Apply to the affected parts either inside or out. If inside, inject a little. Kerosene gives instant relief to your hemorrhoids. Lemon juice is also excellent used in the same way.

All heavy and stimulating food should be avoided as mentioned. Light and simple diets should be the main types of meals that are consumed. The intake of foods like Soybean milk, soybean zwieback, thoroughly ripe bananas, vegetable broths of any kind should be encouraged. You can even be on an exclusive fruit diet for few days.

A hot sitz bath, as hot as can be borne, should be taken. Sit in this bath for fifteen minutes or longer until the body is thoroughly heated through. Have another tub containing cold water, and after being heated, sit in this for a second or two. Return to the hot water, and repeat. If you use a bath tub, have the water well over the hips. Place the other tub alongside the bathtub, tilting it by using a piece of wood or some solid article under one side. Continue this for one hour.

Most of the natural remedies mentioned above only give temporary relief to the symptoms of hemorrhoids, to get a more permanent cure you should make use of a holistic total natural package that will give you full guidance on all the necessary natural remedies that you will need to cure hemorrhoids permanently.

Author Bio: Are You Tired Of All the creams, pills, suppositories, and ointments that NEVER fix the true root issue? Then, don’t spend another penny on those expensive options Until You’ve Read THIS . Also learn how to avoid 4 dieting mistakes commonly made by hemorrhoid sufferers

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: hemorrhoid home treatment,hemorrhoid relief,hemroids,hemorrhoids,hemorrhoid cure, hemorrhoid symptom

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