Getting Pregnancy Coverage When You Are Already Pregnant

Qualifying for medical insurance that covers maternity expenses via a private health insurance carrier while you are currently pregnant is difficult or impossible. Medical insurance companies will usually consider a current pregnancy a reason not to approve an application. They will consider the pregnancy to be a pre-existing condition.

The suggestions below might not be or may not be germane to your situation. There are different regulations in different areas. The exclusions and limitations you may find on a given policy might mean that a pre-existing disease or condition you expect to be covered isn’t.

It is important to know the limitations of your health insurance policy before you purchase it.

It is also important to keep any current medical insurance policy you may have until you are covered by the new plan. Even if your existing insurance plan does not cover maternity expenses, you should think seriously before canceling it.

There are three main reasons that you should do this. The first is that you might have an otherwise covered illness or injury not associated with your pregnancy that triggers a big health expense. The second is that you may have or develop a pre-existing disease or condition that will keep you from getting coverage in the future. The third reason is that even though the medical expenses of a normal pregnancy may be excluded from your plan, your plan may include coverage for complications. Complications of pregnancy are considered a disease. Pregnancy is not.

In many situations, private health insurance will not be an option. Most insurance companies will automatically deny new coverage for pregnant women. However, there are some exceptions.

Group or employer-sponsored medical insurance might offer an opportunity for you to get coverage. These types of policies are governed by different regulations. Medical history is less often a factor in your being eligible for a group insurance plan.

Employer-sponsored health insurance policies will often cover preexisting health conditions. If, you can get coverage through a group policy before you give birth, you might be able to get the health insurance company to cover most of your medical expenses.

Of course, the group health coverage contract in question will need to cover maternity. Not all will. Many health insurance policies will specifically exclude maternity related expenses.

In a typical pregnancy most of the health care will be needed just before, during and immediately after the birth of the child. This means that if you can get coverage before you have your baby, you can avoid most of the health expenses.

If your employer offers group insurance, and they will have an open enrollment period before your due date, you may be able to get coverage for your expenses in the maternity ward. This can help you dramatically reduce your costs.

If your spouse or domestic partner has group coverage available through his or her place of employment, you might be able to take advantage of his or her next open enrollment period. This may also be a viable option for you.

If you are married at this time, but get married to someone with group health insurance, you might be able to get insured by their plan during a special open enrollment period. Getting married usually allows a spouse be insured by the other spouse’s insurance plan right away without waiting for the next open enrollment period.

The approaches listed above will not work for every woman. Employer-sponsored insurance often provides the best coverage. However, if you are not able to get coverage that way there might be programs available from your local, state or from the federal government that can help you limit your exposure.

To If you need more information about the choices available to you via other tactics and via government-based programs, contact the medical facility where you plan to have your baby. They may be able to point you in the right direction.

Author Bio: The author, Alston J. Balkcom helps families find Medical and maternity insurance in Connecticut through several companies including Connecticare Solo.

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: pregnancy insurance,maternity coverage,having a baby

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