Halloween Lasts All October Long
Some people think that Halloween is one day, October 31st. That’s just not true, because it’s not enough time! There are a lot of fun things to do in the weeks leading up to Halloween. It’s become a whole season, almost like the Christmas holiday season.
Halloween is about dressing up and being frightened, about as far as you can get from the other holiday season of Christmas, Chanukah and Thanksgiving. Halloween is frivolous, crazy and wild, not warm and serious. At Halloween time you might do what you otherwise wouldn’t. Like wearing a costume that’s as unlike the real you as it’s possible to be.
Everyone knows that the costume is one of the very best things about Halloween. You can vamp it up and dress a little more provacatively that you would at any other time. Or you can try on the persona of someone real or imaginary that you admire. Then there’s always the comedic route. Creativity is the key to a great costume, regardless of the look you’re going for.
One of the best ways to get into the Halloween spirit is, of course, to get scared! Read a Stephen King novel or a book about vampires. Suspend your disbelief for a while and immerse yourself in a scary story. There are tons of good scary books for all ages. There are children’s books about friendly monsters, like child vampires and witches who get into mischief. There are volumes of scary stories to be read at night by older kids. Even adults can find a good book that will keep them awake at night if that’s what they want.
Along the same lines, you could watch a scary movie. There are so many classics to choose from, and they’re all out on DVD. Rent a screamer, like one of the aptly named Halloween movies, go for a psychological thriller that gets your mind going, or find a movie that has a little of both. Get a bowl of popcorn and a few friends and make an evening of it. Or really scare yourself by watching when you’re home alone, preferably late at night. October is a popular time of year for new horror movies to be released. A movie theater, with its darkened interior, high volume and surround sound, is a great place to watch a frightening flick. And best of all, you don’t know what’s going to happen in a brand new movie that you’ve never seen before!
Of course, you could go the festive route and throw a Halloween party. Parties can be tailored to any age group, or to all ages. Peruse the local Party City for ideas for decorations, games, food and more.
Haunted houses have grown wildly in popularity in recent years. You can be scared out of your wits by ghouls and ghosts in elaborate attractions with many scary scenes. Some are private residences decked out for Halloween night, while others are professional operations staged by special effects designers and actors. Some amusement parks even go all out with multiple Halloween mazes.
Trick-or-Treating is the most universal tried and true Halloween event out there. Kids get dressed up and go door to door asking for candy. Parents and older kids can escort the younger kids around the neighborhood. Of course they should put on their best Halloween costumes too. In order for this whole scheme to work, somebody needs to stay home to hand out the goodies.
Obviously Halloween is way too much fun to be limited to just one night. Shopping for costumes and getting in the scary spirit with parties and haunted houses takes weeks if not all of October.
Author Bio: The first step is to find the best costumes you possibly can. There are many temporary stores at this time of year, including costume stores in Orange County. Teenagers are especially fond of haunted houses Orange County. They try to be brave, but come out screaming!
Category: Entertainment
Keywords: Halloween,costumes,parties,holidays