Hemorrhoid Pain Relief- The Truth Will Shock You!

If you are a victim of hemorrhoids you will likely have experienced the discomforting pain associated with your ailment, you would have also had to live with the Itching, swelling, bleeding and embarrassment. I know just what you are passing through! , I was a chronic hemorrhoid sufferer myself I was too embarrassed to talk about the problem with anyone, choosing instead to go to the drugs store to buy all sorts of hemorrhoid treatments that I could lay my hands on. {Get to know more about the symptoms of hemorrhoids by downloading a free book in the links in the last paragraph below)

Most of these common therapies did help to relieve the symptoms but none of them was able to cure me permanently so the symptoms just kept coming back. I did get rid of my nasty little monsters in the end but is certainly wasn’t because of any conventional hemorrhoid products I tried. I intend to use this medium to reveal the truth about the products I tried and what brought me real hemorrhoid pain relief and a long-term cure.{Learn more about the best effective long term cure for hemorrhoids by clicking the links in the last paragraph below}

Truth 1-Conventional products only give temporary relief

Hemorrhoids or piles are abnormally dilated and swollen veins in the area of the lower rectum and anal region.. External hemorrhoids typically protrude outside the anus and internal hemorrhoids are typically placed inside the anal canal, although they too can protrude out of the anus to form prolapsed internal hemorrhoids. {To learn more about hemorrhoids click on the links in the last paragraph below to download a free book on hemorrhoids}

There is a definite belief, particularly with external hemorrhoids that hemorrhoid pain relief can be achieved with the use of creams or ointments that are packaged in tubes. Now here’s the truth. These products are only a short-term fix. Before too long (usually when the ointment has run out), the hemorrhoids will raise their very ugly heads again and you’re back at the drug store again. So you keep spending hard earned cash over and over again to purchase the same drugs! This gradually drains your pocket. Not only that but these conventional products sometimes contain harsh chemicals that can bring nasty side-effects such as diahorrea, nausea or headaches. All these will only add to the misery you are already passing through. Who wants to feel worse than they do already?

Truth 2- Permanent Long-term hemorrhoid pain relief comes from within

Hemorrhoids are most often caused constipation which makes one to strain excessively when passing stools. The most important step in treating hemorrhoids is the prevention of constipation, you have to make your stools softer and easier to pass out. To achieve this you have to consume high fiber foods like whole grains, nuts and vegetables to bulk out stools and citrus fruits, apples, barley, psyllium and flax seeds to make stools softer. Drink plenty of water and avoid too mush tea, coffee, alcohol and spicy foods. Squat rather than sit on the toilet as this will keep the anal canal straight as it’s supposed to be. If you resolve constipation, you will be half-way to healing the nasty little monsters you already have and it will lessen the symptoms of those you already. have. Long term hemorrhoid pain relief has to come from within. (To know five vegetables and fruits that if taken just once weekly can prevent constipation forever click on the links in the last paragraph below)

Truth 3- The use of Natural Remedies can effect total cure for hemorrhoid pain relief

Used alongside a fiber rich diet, natural hemorrhoid remedies are amazing for bringing about hemorrhoid pain relief. Not only are they cost-effective but you can be sure that they have only safe, reliable ingredients and they are not going to make you feel any worse.

Ice packs or cracked ice works wonders on shrinking the size of your piles. Applying the ice directly to the area will bring relief if you use this method several times a day. Your pain should disappear in just a few days. Did you know that bananas are great for piles? Take a ripe banana and boil it in a cup of milk. Drink this shake three times a day. There are also some very effective herbal remedies, specifically formulated for hemorrhoids that you will find in your local health food store.

There are a few well packaged natural hemorrhoid treatments that give the best results with natural treatment of hemorrhoids. There is one in particular that is packaged to address all the issues involved in the cause of hemorrhoids. It gives practical guidance on the best diets, the needed life adjustments, and the best natural herbs that you can use to get to the real root causes of the disease. If you use this package and follow its guidance on a sensible diet, you will be free of hemorrhoids for good. Now how good does that sound?

Author Bio: Are you tired of using all those common fixes that do not give permanent cure? Discover the proven, 100% safe natural package that cures hemorrhoids permanently, bringing about relief within 48 hours. Get your package NOW . Download a FREE Hemorrhoid book.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: hemorrhoid home treatment,hemorrhoid relief,hemroids,hemorrhoids,hemorrhoid cure, hemorrhoid symptom

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