Hemroids Treatment and Hemorrhoid Causes-How to Prevent and Treat Piles

Most of us will experience hemorrhoid/hemroid symptoms in various degrees sooner or later in our lives. This ailment affects above 50% of people above the age of 50 years, it is quite common. However for most people that are affected by this disease, the nature of the disease makes them too embarrassed to discuss freely about their ailment, but since this disease is very common we should try to understand the causes and treatment of the disease. (Click the links in the last paragraph below to download a free course that explains the real root causes of hemorrhoids in detail)

What causes Hemroids?

The major well known underlying factor behind hemorrhoids is constipation. A normal well functioning alimentary system should ensure that we move our bowels at least once every day or at the most every two days. If your frequency of bowel movements is less than this then you are suffering from some degree of constipation.

Constipation is caused by accumulation of hard feces in the intestines making the feces hard to pass. These hard stools gradually build up in the colon. Any time you feel pressed and you go to the toilet to pass out these hard stools you have to strain hard to push them out, this excessive straining causes extra pressure to be generated which is then transmitted into the veins of the rectum and anus leading to the expansion of these veins.

This abnormal expansion makes the veins to swell up and become inflamed thus leading to the onset of hemroid symptoms. (To learn 9 sure fire ways to maintain a healthy alimentary system click the links in the last paragraph below)

How are Hemroids Treated?

The treatment of hemorrhoids can be carried out via two different approaches:

– First approach: The first and the most widely used approach is to target mainly the symptoms of hemorrhoids. This is achieved by the use of creams, ointments, suppositories, sitz bath and pain reliving drugs. These items are easily accessible at local drug stores as over- the counter medications. This approach only targets the symptoms.

Examples of these creams and ointments include vitamin E cream, witch hazel, and aloe vera. These items are very good at alleviating the symptoms of hemorrhoids briefly. (Click the links in the last paragraph below to learn how to cure hemorrhoids permanently).

– Second approach: This second approach is a more effective approach. It targets the real root causes of the disease aiming for a more permanent resolution of the ailment. This approach helps to prevent re-occurrence of symptoms. This approach involves the use of holistic natural therapy that will cure the ailment and also prevent flaring up in the future. Lifestyle adjustments especially in the type of foods that make up your usual diet must be made. The intake of processed foods like pastry based foods should be discouraged; more of natural high fiber foods should form the major part of our diet. The consumption of vegetables and fruits should be seriously encouraged. (Click the links in the last paragraph below to learn about 5 vegetables and fruits that if taken just once weekly will ensure that you never get constipated again!)

Other lifestyle adjustments involving sitting postures, exercise and activity etc should be made. There also certain herbs and root extracts that act naturally on the body to shrink the swollen hemorrhoid veins permanently.

Author Bio: You Can Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids Permanently By Using This 100% Safe Natural Remedy. It Starts Working IMMEDIATELY After Use. Click Here To Download A Free Hemorrhoid Course.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: hemorrhoid home treatment,hemorrhoid relief,hemroids,hemorrhoids,hemorrhoid cure, hemorrhoid symptom

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