Hemroids Treatment-How to Eliminate Hemorrhoids For Good

Hemorrhoids /Piles/Hemroids/Hemoroids can cause make life very miserable and distressful in those that are afflicted with the disease. Quite a number of times though, most hemorrhoids do not cause any symptoms and are so mild that they heal spontaneously without any treatment, but there are also more serious types of the disease that will definitely require treatment. The best method of treatment for hemorrhoids depends on the severity and the type of hemorrhoid the sufferer has. (Click the links in the last paragraph below to learn more about how best to cure hemorrhoids)

One of the most fundamental ways of treating majority of hemroids is by making certain lifestyle changes. These lifestyle changes will involve a major change in diet habits from eating highly processed fast foods to consumption of more nutritious fiber rich foods that will help to overcome constipation and excessive straining during defecation. There should also be a deliberate attempt to increase fluid consumption. The Hemorrhoid sufferer will also have to make adjustments in his/her level of activity and general sitting habits. Adoption of this lifestyle changes alone however will not be able to cure the more serious cases of hemorrhoids. (Click the links in the last paragraph below to learn about a holistic means of treating hemorrhoids)

The use of creams, ointments and suppositories can provide symptomatic relief for severe pain irritation and discomfort. The disadvantage of these items however is that they do not prevent the hemorrhoids from worsening nor do they give permanent cure. These kinds of treatment options are at best used to achieve short term relief to the symptoms of pain and itching that are associated with hemroids. Some people react to the constituents of these creams and ointments so make sure you read the information on the cover of the product to know the constituents of the agents to avoid unnecessary allergic reactions, you should also endeavor to read the dosage instructions and adhere strictly to the prescribed instructions. (For permanent healing of hemorrhoids, click the links in the last paragraph below)

Moderate to severe hemorrhoids that require treatment can also be treated by the use of minor surgery like banding and injections. Banding involves the use of rubber band to tie blood vessels that supply blood to the hemroid swelling thus cutting off blood supply. Injection makes use of chemical agent called a sclerosant which is injected into the blood vessels of the hemroid swelling causing the blood vessels to dry up and cut off blood supply to the swelling. In about a week after the use of either of these procedures the swelling usually withers and fall. These forms of treatment though useful for the treatment of mild to moderate hemorrhoids may not actually be very effective in the treatment of more severe types of hemorrhoids where more extensive surgery may be prescribed.

More extensive major surgeries for hemorrhoids include the following options:

– Hemorrhoidectomy – hemorrhoids are surgically cut off by the use of sutures or laser.

-Stapling – In this surgery hemorrhoids are pushed back into the rectum and are stapled together thus occluding the blood vessels and reducing their supply of blood into the hemorrhoid. This will eventually lead to the shrinking of the hemroids.

-Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation – This operation involves the surgical tying of the major arteries that supply blood to the hemorrhoids thus starving them of blood, this leads to a gradual shrinking in size of the piles.

Another form of treatment for hemorrhoids that works for all levels of severity of plies is the use of Natural Home Treatment which has a natural mode of operation making it the least toxic kind of treatment and it also attacks the root causes of hemorrhoids thus giving a permanent cure. The use of natural treatments advocates the use of simple herbs which are often very accessible at ridiculously cheap prices and it also advocates adoption of healthier lifestyles which apart from helping to cure hemorrhoids also help to improve the general well being of the hemorrhoid sufferer.

Author Bio: WAIT!! Don’t Go for Surgery Yet, This 100% Safe, Inexpensive Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment Can Save You From The Unnecessary Expenses And Stress Of Surgery. Try It Now .

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hemorrhoid home treatment,hemorrhoid relief,hemroids,hemorrhoids,hemorrhoid cure, hemorrhoid symptom

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