Home Invasion – Should You Be Worried?

When it comes to home security, far too many people think that it won’t happen to me. After all, burglaries happen to other people, in other neighborhoods, right? Wrong! In fact, a home invasion or burglary can happen to anyone, in any community – now matter how safe your street seems.

Many families assume that their home won’t become the target of a burglar because they have nothing worth stealing. If you think that your home doesn’t have anything of value, guess again. Today’s burglars are after not only nice new high-definition TVs and cash, but also DVDs, cell phones, prescription medications, and even your stack of bills, which can be sold to identity thieves. In fact, every home can fall victim to a burglar, no matter what you have inside. When deciding which home to target, burglars worry more about the home security systems you have in place than exactly what they might be able to steal from you.

Just how common are the type of burglaries you see in the movies – a masked invader crawling through a window or smashing the door in? Though not all burglars break in under the cover of night, and many will dress in a disguise rather than a ski mask, the fact is that a burglary happens every 12 seconds somewhere in the country, according to the FBI. Thousands of homeowners fall victim to this threat every year. With the average loss during a home invasion estimated at $1725 to $2,000 by the FBI, clearly this is a threat you must protect yourself from.

Though no one wants to think of their home as vulnerable, doing so is necessary if you want to protect your possessions and your family from harm. Install door and window alarms, motion detectors, dummy cameras, and other security devices. Doing so will make burglars think twice about targeting your home. In fact, the mere sight of such features is often enough to dissuade someone looking for an easy target; the alarms don’t even have to go off to do their job.

In addition to installing security features, use common sense to avoid a burglar. Do not answer the door for a stranger or give out personal information that could be used against you. Burglars may dress up as delivery drivers as an attempt to gain entry into your home. You may not realize it, but not all burglaries include forced entry. A burglar might use personal information gleaned from going through your discarded mail, along with the disguise of a repairman, to talk their way inside your home.

Above all, always be prepared for the worst. Though you always want to think of your home as a safe harbor, there are dangers you must be aware of. The homes most likely to be targeted are those occupied by families who never thought a burglary could happen to them. Whether you live in the city, in the suburbs, or even in a rural area, you should be concerned with the possibility of falling victim to a burglar.

Author Bio: Resist Attack has a full range of TASER devices to keep you and your family safe. Also check for current specials on a home hidden camera

Category: Home Management

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