How Do I Get a Girlfriend?

How do I get a girlfriend? Is this a question that you are asking yourself right now? If so read on because in this article I’m going to give you several steps you can take to get the relationship you want.

Step #1: Talk To Lots Of People

The more people that you talk to the better your conversation skills are going to be. Conversation is critical when you want to meet, attract, and impress women. If you’re not good at it then your chances of success are going to be greatly reduced. You can set a goal to talk to a certain amount of people each day. Goals will help you stay focused and make the process easier.

Step #2: Don’t Use Pick Up Lines

When you are trying to find an answer to the question, how do I get a girlfriend you need to focus on what really works. And what really works is NOT a pick up line. The best way to meet someone and make a positive impression on them is to be spontaneous and in the moment. When you approach a woman make a comment or ask a question about something she’s doing or something going on around you. This is much more organic and feels less practiced. Of course you could take a minute to think of something to say to her before you actually approach (but she doesn’t have to know that).

Step #3: Get Out There

You don’t have to go to nightclubs and bars if you don’t like those kinds of places when you’re trying to answer the age-old question of how do I get a girlfriend. There are actually better places that you can go where meeting women will be easier as there is less conversation and women will have their guards down. You can try coffee shops, grocery stores, book stores, the library, hardware/building supply stores, video stores, music stores, etc. The point is that you get out of your normal routine and be where there are other people. You can also pursue some interests and activities such as sports and social activities. You can meet a lot of new people this way.

Step #4: Learn The Art Of Conversation

Conversing with women is key in answering the question of how do I get a girlfriend (as I mentioned before). So learning how to converse effectively is one of the best things you can do for yourself when it comes to meeting women. The quickest way to become a good conversationalist is to learn to listen. It’s pretty simple: You ask a women an open-ended question (something that doesn’t require a “yes” or “no” answer) and listen to what she says. Maintain eye contact also. Then when she’s done you ask her a specific question about something that she was just talking about. This will let her talk some more (this is a good tactic for those men who don’t’ talk a lot) and also will show her that you were listening to what she said.

What you don’t’ want to do is hijack the conversation. Don’t talk too much and whatever you do, NEVER, interrupt her. This is extremely rude and will show her that you don’t’ care about what she’s saying.

Step #4: Be Patient

When you really want to know, how do I get a girlfriend, you have to understand that patience is a virtue. It’s going to take some time and a little bit of effort but eventually you will have the relationship you want.

Author Bio: Click Here to discover how to get a girlfriend fast!

Category: Dating
Keywords: how do i get a girlfriend, get a girlfriend, how to talk to women, dating, relationships

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