How to Build Muscle Mass Fast

The quest to build muscle is admittedly a long tough journey but, thanks to the emerging science of sports physiology, some shortcuts have been discovered. Using these shortcuts can help show you how to build muscle mass fast, much quicker than normal.

The first shortcut is that there’s no need to work each and every muscle for hours each day. In the very early days of bodybuilding, there was no other way known of how to build muscle mass fast. You’d just have to hit the gym for hours every day and vigorously work your whole body, rest at night, and allow one day a week for your body to recuperate.

In those days, athletes from other sports avoided weights training for fear it would make them less flexible and essentially muscle-bound. But as more and more athletes experimented with weights training, they discovered it not only made them stronger, it actually made them more flexible too!

This new trend made sports trainers sit up and take notice of the results being shown in these athletes performances, and with their support, weights training was added to lots of fitness routines. Not long after, football, baseball and basketball players and track and field athletes were regularly pumping iron.

As weights training became more widely popular, science began to have more involvement. Sports physiology was made a priority, and weights training received a more scientific approach in how to build muscle mass fast.

In response to this, bodybuilders took note and started working out smarter, searching for ways of how to build muscle mass fast. While still spending long hours in the gym compared to the general gym patronage, it was now about half the initial time spent. How were they able to do this?

Well, exercises and work-out routines began to be evaluated for the best approach of how to build muscle mass fast. Researchers discovered it was much more beneficial to include adequate rest after strenuous work, as when they are exhausted they would not develop any further.

Nowadays, bodybuilders are encouraged to incorporate “focus days” for their muscle groups into their routine. This means one day a week, you work one specific muscle group to absolute exhaustion. Obviously they will still be slightly exercised on other days from working nearby muscle groups, but that is unavoidable. By using this strategy, you’ll fast track your muscle growth and increase your overall body strength. It also means that you won’t be putting up with constant muscle soreness all over your body every day, as the increased frequency of rest periods for each muscle group allows them to recover and rebuild themselves much quicker and easier.

Another big find with bodybuilding was that by working the muscle to exhaustion in each and every exercise, that was enough to tear the muscle down. The ingested proteins by the individual would then be used to rebuild the damaged muscle tissue, and not to develop the muscle even further.

The other aspect of how to build muscle mass fast is good nutrition. Nutrition accounts for at least 50% of bodybuilding, higher in some cases and depending on your desired results.

When it comes to how to build muscle mass fast, your diet needs to have at least 25% of its calories sourced from both animal and vegetable protein. You should also only be eating complex carbohydrates, in particular vegetables that contain protein too. Fibers and fats should account for a further 25% of your diet. Try to avoid refined starches, refined sugars and have only minimal alcohol and caffeine. You should supplement your diet with protein powders mixed with water or raw milk, and protein boosters like kelp tablets, desiccated liver and eggs. Soluble oils like wheat germ oil helps the body metabolize protein, and it will also provide added endurance. These are only a few basic tips, consult a qualified nutritionist for more information or even a customized dietary guide.

In summary, the best ways of how to build muscle mass fast all include exercising each muscle group smarter, not harder. You need to realize that rest is as important as working out, but diet is the real key. Without it, everything else will fall apart.

Author Bio: For more great info on bodybuilding and nutrition come and check out and get the help you deserve.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: how to build muscle mass fast,fast muscle building,tips for building muscle

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