How to Create an Elegant Room For Entertaining

If you love to entertain, but it always feels like you are flying by the seat of your pants when it comes to gathering people together, you probably need a better entertaining space. When people come to your home, you want them to be as comfortable as possible so they can relax and enjoy the company of others. There are a few things every space should have in order to create a social atmosphere that people will love. The next time you are considering hosting a party, take some time to think about the space in which everyone will gather. The better it feels, the more fun people will have. One of the best ways to make a space soothing and enjoyable is by adding music. You can do something as simple as bringing your stereo or CD player into the space, or you can add an actual instrument that encourages people to enjoy live music. Placing an instrument in the corner with a piano lamp right to the side will pull people in that direction. A lot of fun can occur at a social gathering when everyone gathers around the piano lamps and joins a sing along near the instrument.

Next, in addition to instruments, add items of interest to the space. If you have a collection of items somewhere in your home and you believe they will spark conversation among party guests, bring them into your entertainment space. You can also create a library in this space. While you do not want all of your guests burying their noses in books, the books will get people talking about what they have read and who their favorite authors might be.

Even though you want to fill the space with collections and objects of interest, you want to leave enough space so things are no crowded. People should have room to mingle and speak with other guests. It is also a good idea to create pathways throughout the room so it is easy to get to the food and drinks, and the bathroom, without feeling as if you are climbing over things.

Throughout the area, place plenty of seating that allows people to sit and dine, as well as sit while they are visiting. Make sure the seating is comfortable, and if you are having a casual cocktail party, you may not need seats for everyone, but make sure there is enough for people to be comfortable. If you are having guests who you know will struggle with standing for long periods of time, dedicate a seat to that person.

Finally, all good parties require plenty of delicious foods and drinks. Create an area in your entertainment space where you can place food. Make it central to everyone

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