How to Deal With Panic Attacks

When people experience panic attacks, their bodies are reacting to an unknown harm without thinking. These attacks can spring from environmental factors, making it somehow similar to phobias. Just like phobias, these attacks cause the body to feel weird and suffer an immense amount of discomfort. However, these attacks tend to go and then leave suddenly. Some have triggers while some just happen randomly. People who deal with this type of attack start to feel uncomfortable in the first few minutes until the attack finally peaks once it reaches the 10-minute duration. You are lucky if the attack goes away and never comes back but for 90% of all sufferers, the attacks come back after a few days and sometimes return even stronger.

If this type of psychological condition does not get treated or at least regulated, it could worsen. Persons with this condition may develop a chronic illness. Once it reaches the chronic stage, it will be harder to treat so it is better to act on it at the earliest signs.

Panic attacks can make people feel like they are dying. They could feel that they are experiencing a stroke or a heart attack and may seek treatment in an emergency room. There also happens a kind of fight-or-flight response wherein the person is forced to fight the sensation or run away from it. These attacks can make the sufferer feel as if he or she is being attacked and is about to die. Because of this, he or she can feel discomfort in different parts of the body. The most common areas are the chest and the stomach. These attacks can also cause shortness of breath and dizziness.

Some patients try to deal with their condition by calming themselves down. This would be hard to do because during a panic attack, the person stops thinking entirely. It is just the feeling that works and the thinking halts to a complete stop. Because of this, it will be harder to psyche one’s self. However, if you use extra effort, you will be able to do it.

All you have to do is convince yourself that what you are going through is just another one of your panic attacks. You have to repeatedly chant the words panic and attack to really convince yourself of the truth. Once this works out, you will be able to get out of the uncomfortable feeling. You will be able to breathe properly and your excessive cold sweating will stop. The lightheadedness will also disappear along with the feeling of being perturbed. Some people also try calming themselves down by counting or humming. These two help in extending the breath and force some rational thinking in your brain. Some people even count backwards to make the brain work harder. You can do these steps or learn more about how to deal with these attacks. That way, once you suffer from an attack again, you will be able to deal with it on your own.

Author Bio: Do you want to learn how to stop panic attacks? Learn how an “Average Joe” beat panic attacks with dead simple techniques!

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: panic attacks,experience panic attacks,panic attack

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