How to Fix Your CD Driver Entry in Your Windows Registry

CD drives of the computer may become inaccessible sometimes especially after certain reinstallations. If your Windows registry is giving you any problem or you noticed that your CD entry is becoming problematic, there are some simple steps you can easily take to correct most or all the anomalies and have your system’s speed and other optimal performances back and better.

If you have received and error message when you perform some simple computer tasks that you used to do or if certain hardware couldn’t perform optimally again, then it is possible that the CD drive have problems and should be fixed as fast as possible to avoid more ‘internal’ damages in your computer. If you are searching for how to fix CD drive in Windows registry, then you may need to manually change or rearrange your entire Windows registry. This will help to easily get rid of the upper and the lower filters registry entries.

It is advisable to completely uninstall all writing and CD recording programs in your computer before deleting the registry entries. Some people make use of registry editor to fix their registry problems but be warned that your computer may have serious problems if the registry is inappropriately modified. The problem may be so much that your entire operating system might need to be reinstalled for it to start working optimally again. The first thing you should do is to log on to your Windows operating system and simply follow the following steps to fix the ‘little’ problem you are having at the moment.

A. Simply click ‘START’, the click ‘RUN’, then enter ‘REGEDIT’ and click ‘OK’. The registry editor will automatically start after this.

B. The second vital step is that you should be aiming to completely delete the upper filters registry entry. If you are still desiring to move on with the process, then get in the Registry Editor and you see expand MY Computer. Then head over to you want expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. This will be followed by, want to expand SYSTEM. After that, CurrentControlset. You should expand ‘CONTROL’ after that and then expand ‘CLASS’. Click the following under ‘CLASS’: [4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318]. You will see the topic menu and you can go ahead and click upper filter and then click ‘DELET’ on the menu.

C. It is essential that you realize that the lower filters registry must be deleted for this simple operation to be complete. The process involved here is quite easy and simple as you can see from the explanation but you should be very careful.

D. After carefully following the above steps, you can then reboot or restart your computer. The CD recording program will definitely work after this but if it doesn’t, then you may be required to reinstall the CD recording program all over.

You will agree with me that the above process can be done in very few minutes but do not be in any haste. Take it one after the other, you will get it all dome in less than 10 minutes.

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Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: Fix Your CD Driver

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