How to Reduce Your Van Insurance Premiums

The humble van plays a vital part in the everyday workings of many modern businesses. From small teams of building contractors to huge courier fleets, the vans used all need to have an up-to-date insurance policy attached. Costs though can often be prohibitive, leaving some without the level of cover they want or need. So what can you do to lower van insurance costs?

Whether you’re looking to buy insurance for a new van or are preparing to renew a policy, the best way to keep costs to a minimum is to do a little research. The Internet has revolutionised the way in which we search for information and services, and so provides the perfect starting point for any van insurance investigation.

Save Time and Research Online

Time is obviously a precious commodity, and many simply don’t have enough of it to spend hours going through dozens of quotes manually. If you quickly want to compare your current policy or quote then you should try a price comparison website. After filling in all your details and policy requirements, you can have results from dozens of insurers in seconds.

Some won’t meet your requirements or budget; however, you could well find that some companies are better positioned to provide the desired level of cover at a significantly reduced rate. Armed with a solid quote, you can then go off and discuss the specifics with the insurers themselves and see if you can get it any lower still.

Whilst the Internet is a great starting point, you will have to be prepared to pick up the phone if you are to get the very best possible deal. It’s also an opportunity to see exactly what particular policies cover and, just as importantly, what they don’t. They should provide full details and give you a final quote based on any new information or amendments made to the proposed policy.

Pick Up the Phone and Discuss Your Policy

Van insurance is a little more specialist than car or even home insurance. Not all companies will offer policies, especially not competitive ones. Occasionally we all take the easy choice and just go with what we know or have used in the past. However if you want to reduce your premiums you need to go a little further.

Even if you are happy with the company you’re currently insured with, but perhaps less so with the price they’re offering, there’s plenty to be gained by shopping around. Whether using a comparison site or visiting insurers directly by way of a search engine enquiry, finding ‘cheap’ or ‘budget’ van insurance prices should be reasonably straightforward.

If you are able to source a cheaper quote you can use that information to approach your current insurers (or indeed any others that you’re interested in) and discuss their competitor’s sites. Obviously they are under no obligation to alter their own quote, and many will be unable to do so, but it provides a good way of at least opening the lines of communication and opening the possibility of lowering your premiums without changing policy.

Refining Your Van Insurance

You really have to be able to identify what is and what isn’t important on your van insurance policy though to get the best price possible. For example you might be the only driver, but you’ve named a couple of workmates as drivers also just in case. Whilst you might like that added security, if you want to save money then addressing issues like this can certainly prove beneficial.

A policy should be stripped of any unnecessary extras and left with only the core requirements. Don’t go and increase your excess liability by a ridiculous rate, but certainly ensure that you aren’t paying for anything you don’t need or use. All of this policy trimming can help you to shed a few vital pounds.

The bottom line though when it comes to reducing van insurance costs you have to be prepared to do a little work. Whether that’s researching alternative providers online or phoning your current insurer to see if they can remove any unnecessary baggage, there are plenty of options to help you get the right result.

Author Bio: Vincent Rogers is a freelance writer who writes for a number of UK businesses. For for Car and Van Insurance he recommends BUDGET Insurance.

Category: Finances
Keywords: Van Insurance,Cheap Van Insurance,Van Insurance Advice,Reduce Van Insurance

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