How to Train Bichon Frise

Actually, the term “Bichon Frise” is a French phrase which when literally translated, means a “curly lap dog”. A Bichon Frise puppy generally has a fluffy white coat with some exceptions such as patches of cream or apricot around the facial area. Bichon Frise puppies are usually friendly, playful and affectionate in nature but can become a little snappy monster if not given proper obedience training from the time she becomes a part of your family, or else this little rascal will mess your household for sure.

Known to have an “Average” working intelligence, these Bichon Frise puppies are easy to train once you have a good understanding about your dog’s temperament and behavioral traits. You only have to give her praise and treats every time she comes near to learn your desired tricks. Also, keep in mind that Bichon Frise are shy nature dogs. So train your puppy with positive reinforcement and be patient enough to avoid giving her harsh punishments.

For some reasons, most of the dog owners have problem in potty training and housebreaking. It’s not that difficult to accomplish housebreaking a Bichon Frise puppy. While potty training, you will have to supervise your dog closely. It is also important that you accompany her outside whenever she needs to go potty. Remember to take your puppy to the same spot every time so as to enlighten your dear puppy about the whereabouts of her eliminating area.

Crate training is another essential thing to housebreak your Bichon Frise puppy. So, choose the right crate for your puppy which is large enough for her to sit and turn around. Also, equip the crate with a comfy mattress and some familiar toy items of your puppy so as to make the crate confinement look comfortable rather than as a harsh punishment to your little Bichon Frise puppy.

As I have already mentioned before, the Bichon Frise are shy nature dogs, you need to socialize her from an early stage if you want to prevent your dog from being an aggressive little snappy monster. It’s good if you take your dog for outdoor trips as often as you can. Train her with love and care but don’t let her to develop the “Small Dog Syndrome” which to be brief, means that your dog will think itself as the pack leader and as a result, she will develop several aggressive behaviors such as snapping and obsessive barking. On the other hand, if there are children in your family then, in addition to training your Bichon Frise pet, you should also teach your children the proper ways to handle the dog. Furthermore, also make sure that the household items like the laundry soap or insecticides are out of the reach of your dog so that it could roam around the house safely.

On the whole, training a Bichon Frise puppy with a positive reinforcement is all that matters. Remember that a Bichon Frise puppy always longs for human company. These cute little dogs are loyal and are eager to please their owner. It is a good thing to be proud of if you are the owner of an obedient little Bichon Frise that knows some funny tricks such as saying “goodbye’ or “giving a handshake” that would certainly make it a celebrity among your family and friends.

Author Bio: Browse the site Dog Training Made Easy to learn lot of training tips for different breed of dogs.To know more on How To Train Bichon Frise, you can visit the link provided here.

Category: Pets
Keywords: how to train bichon frise, training bichon frise, bichon frise training, bichon frise training tips

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