How to Write a Best Man’s Speech

So, you have been asked by your best mate to do him the honour of being best man at his wedding. Fantastic you think…time to get organising a world class stag do…and then it dawns on you …you will have to write and present that dreaded speech!

Some men have no problem coming up with a best man’s speech and could do it without a crumpled piece of paper gracing their sweaty palm. Whereas some men just don’t know where to start.

Well, worry no more – we have put our heads together and come up with some handy tips for writing a best man’s speech. So stick your feet up and learn how to create that great best man’s speech:

Be Yourself:
Your mate has asked you to be his best man for a reason – because you are one of his closest mates, if not the closest. Therefore you know him and he knows you; it is important to remember this when you are writing your speech.

Whether you are a party animal who craves attention whilst strutting your stuff on the dance floor, or a quiet, book reading, slow wine drinking kind of guy it makes no difference: your best man speech should reflect your personality.

If you want to get personal then you could always include a small piece about the newlywed’s relationship – try and stick to positive comments though!

You could include a story about how they met, how long they have been together and the first moment that you realised your mate was loved up!

A best man’s speech is always received better if it makes people laugh so try and include a couple of jokes in your speech. You could decide to write them yourself or, if you don’t have the mind of a comedic genius, then there are hundreds of jokes available online.

If you do decide to pen your own jokes then try and include a personal element to them – include lines about the couple or just the groom.

However, do not fill your speech with jokes – one or two choice selections will do just fine.

Single Life:
Everyone has loads of crazy adventures they used to get up to before one of them settled down and it certainly is nice to reminisce about old times that have long gone, but try and keep any truly embarrassing stories to a minimum.

Only include stories in your speech that the bride will approve of; anything that could cause a potential argument is probably best left to discuss in a private conversation or amongst those who will not be offended by it.

Practice Makes Perfect:
An age old cliche but a valid one! The last thing you or anyone else at the wedding wants is to listen to you tripping over your words as you haven’t practiced beforehand. Practice makes perfect – you have been warned!

However you choose to write your speech, just remember one thing: wish the happy couple the very best for the future!

Author Bio: Dom Evans is a seasoned traveller/writer who now utilises his global roaming to advise Playaway Weekends on the best stag do destinations in the UK and Europe.

Category: Marriage
Keywords: best man speech, best man, stag do, wedding, marriage,

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