Knowing What Happens If You Can Not Afford the Pay Several Traffic Tickets on Time

If you ever questioned what happens if you can not afford the pay several traffic tickets on time, then you are in the right place. There are several consequences to not paying them when you are suppose to, but there are also alternatives. You do have options that you can take if you cannot afford the traffic fine.

One option that you have is to attend court to try and challenge the traffic violation in court. In majority of the states, when the officer that gave the ticket is not in court that day, then you may have your ticket dismissed by the judge. This means that you will not need to pay the fine. It is rare for an officer to not show up to court, but it can happen.

If the officer does show up though, do not be alarmed as there are still other options. You can request traffic school when you are in front of the judge. This does not mean that you avoid paying the ticket, but in most cases the ticket fee is lowered and are provided with a few months to complete the traffic course. This option is sought by most though, to avoid getting the traffic violation on their driving record. This is one option that if granted by the judge, can help.

You can also request to do a sentence to service program. If the state or county where you got your ticket offers this program then you can do community service instead of paying the fine. The judge will agree upon a certain amount of hours for you to do instead of paying the ticket.

If the reason you cannot pay your tickets is because of the large amount that is due, then you can also request payment plans. If the judge allows it, and in most cases, this is granted, you can have a set monthly installment. This helps lower the amount you need to give right away and it is still paying off your traffic violation fee.

If you feel as though the officer who gave the ticket was in the wrong you can challenge the ticket in court even if he shows up. If this is the option you are taking, you need to make sure you bring supporting evidence. If weather conditions played a role in you getting that ticket, then bring a weather report of that day. If there were witnesses, you would have to track them down to get their testimony.

If you decide to nothing and not show up to court nor pay, then your license may be suspended. After certain amount of days, about forty five, there will be penalties added to what you already owe. If you have not made arraignments to pay and did not show up in court, there may be a warrant out for your arrest.

You may have wondered what happens if you can not afford the pay several traffic tickets on time. It does leave consequences if you choose not to pay your traffic fines. You can challenge the ticket but you will need to gather all the necessary evidence to support you.

About the author, New Jersey traffic ticket
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Author Bio: Fight your New Jersey traffic ticket avoid demerit points which may cause an increase in your insurance. supported by add a link

Category: Legal
Keywords: New Jersey, traffic, tickets, record, demerit point

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