Learn How to Pick Up Women: Dont’ Do This

Want to learn how to pick up women? If so then read on because I’m going to give you a major DON’T that most men are unaware of. Follow along and find out what you can do to stay ahead of your competition.

When you want to learn how to pick up women there are lots of things that you can learn to do. However there are a few things that you absolutely shouldn’t do that a lot of men do anyway. One of the major no-no’s when it comes to women and dating is the use of pick up lines. Good grief you don’t want to use these awful things!

Pick up lines are terrible and they will make women groan and roll their eyes at you. There isn’t ONE pick up line that actually works (unless you look like Brad Pitt and then it doesn’t really matter what you say). What you need to actually do is allow the situation you are in to dictate what you are going to say. When you learn how to pick up women you should remember to let the situation dictate what you are going to say. This will make you seem spontaneous. You can comment on everything from something she’s wearing to something she’s been doing.

You can say something complimentary like, “I was noticing how well your shoes suited you. I’m sure you already knew this but it’s always nice to get confirmation from an outside source.” When you comment on something she’s been doing you need to make sure whatever it is is positive. Don’t say anything that would imply that you’ve been watching her for the last 30 minutes like “I noticed that you like to drink Long Island Ice Teas” – this will make her wonder how long you’ve been watching her and really creep her out. Say something like “I just noticed how much of a good time you guys seem to be having.”

A great tip for you to learn how to pick up women with is before you approach make sure you visualize possible responses that she may give you so that you can follow up appropriately. This will also help you relax. This may seem like a lot of work but it’s something that will get easier for you with time.

Make sure you have some other questions lined up that you can ask her after the initial approach. You don’t want to be caught like a deer in the headlights. Nothing is more embarrassing then making a smooth approach and then not have anything to say after that. Make sure the questions you have to ask her are open ended. You want them to be questions that she can’t answer with a yes or a no. This will break open the conversation instead of creating awkward pauses.

Remember this when you learn how to pick up women: They love a good listener. When you ask her questions and she answers make sure you listen to what she’s saying. Don’t just nod your head like a dope. Listen to what she says, make eye contact, and then respond with follow-up questions or comments that lets her know you heard what she says.

Also, don’t ask her boring or cliched questions like, “what do you do?” or “what are you studying?” Ask her specific questions about her clothes like, “Those earrings are pretty cool. What’s the story behind them?” This type of question will allow her to talk about something she’s really interested in and it will also give you the opportunity to show her how good of a listener you are.

Author Bio: Click Here To Learn The ART Of Picking Up Women

Category: Dating
Keywords: pick up women, picking up women, how to pick up women, dating, meet women

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