Mind Boggling Attempts to Convince Your Child About the Existence of Santa

In modern times, people are moving away from the idea of living as a family. Every other day, we hear of a divorce or separation in couples either in our neighborhood or at work and so on. The ones who suffer the most in this conflict are the kids in case the couples have any. After separation, kids are silent spectators watching their parents fight for their legal possessions. They take help from a Las Vegas custody attorney or Las Vegas child custody attorney to guide them. But this would not have happened in the first place if they knew how to keep their family together. Forgiving each other would be a lot easier if the future of their kids was the priority. Nevertheless, if you are one of those couples, and you are thinking of ideas to tie your family together, then here is one. It seems to be a crazy idea, but will surely be fun. The idea is to convince your kid about the existence of Santa Claus.

It might be a bit tricky for parents who have not told the story to their kids earlier on. Moreover, there is the likelihood that you get caught while disguising yourself as Santa, in which case your kid will know that you are Santa. But there are still ways by which you can convince them.

• First on the list is to make your kids perform some general Santa Claus traditions. This will really build up the anticipation of your kid for Christmas. Besides, exposing him/her to the traditions of preparing cookies and hanging socks in front of fireplace will make them ask questions. Obviously, you are ready with the answers.

• Another way is to tell the story of Santa Claus. Once they know the origin, they will be curious to know more about Santa. And if they get to see him in reality or talk to him somehow, then it will become quite easy for them to believe in his existence. You can narrate the story through the famous poem of “the Life and Adventures of Santa Claus”.

• Getting a Santa Evidence kit is also a prudent idea. Although the kits are easily available online, you can also make them at home. If you know the signature items that Santa Claus wears, then surely you can do it on your own. You can be more creative by leaving tracks in the fireplace and some special or magical items specifically for the kid. With all this evidence, he will start to believe in the existence of Santa.

• After that you can help your youngster in writing letters to Santa. Make your kids write their New Year resolutions in that letter. They can even add some requests that they want to make to Santa.

• You can make Christmas more special for children by making them receive a call from Santa. In the call, Santa Claus will acknowledge the letter sent by your kid. You can even hire a professional Santa for the job so that they do not suspect it to be a ploy.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter has spent time with a Las Vegas child custody attorney researching an article on the subject. His daughter had an opportunity to work with a Las Vegas custody attorney as a legal intern during the summer.

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: Las Vegas child custody attorney,Las Vegas custody attorney

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